North America Horse Directory
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New York Racing Association - AqueductNew York Racing Association - Belmont ParkNew York Racing Association - NYRANew York Racing Association - Saratoga

Visit New York Racing Association - Saratoga's Facebook Page
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
The New York State Plantation Walking Horse Club avidly supports and promotes the natural gaited lite shod Tennesee Walking Horse.
New York State Quarter Horse Association -
The New York State Quarter Horse Association offers its members many benefits. We offer the Stallion Auction, Sunshine Circuit, and the Big Apple Futurity. We also promote additional NYSQHA horse shows, youth programs, trail rides, and awards. We promote the Quarter Horse in New York State and promote membership within AQHA and the NYSQHA.
New York State Thoroughbred Breeding & Racing
Saratoga Spa State Park
19 Roosevelt Drive - Suite 250
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
The New York State Breeding and Development Fund, NYTB, and GVBA offer information about the benefits of breeding and racing thoroughbreds in NY state, including a $35 million incentives program, news, registry, sales, farm tour, awards, and official forms.
New York Thoroughbred Breeders - NYTB19 Roosevelt Drive - Suite 250
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 580-0100
nybreds@nybreds.comThe New York State Breeding and Development Fund, NYTB, and GVBA offer information about the benefits of breeding and racing thoroughbreds in NY state, including a $35 million incentives program, news, registry, sales, farm tour, awards, and official forms.

Visit New York Thoroughbred Breeders - NYTB's Facebook Page
57 Phila St
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 587-0777
A New York State not for profit organization for the benefit of the state's Thoroughbred race horse breeders.
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