North America Horse Directory
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Niki Walker Photography
Chesterland, OH 44026
Equine photography tailored to your needs. Capturing special moments and preserving them for a lifetime. An "eye" for photography and a passion for horses are combined into a love to be behind the camera and a love to ride. Every photograph embodies that love, resulting in images that truly are works of fine art.
Nimble Creek FarmEquine photography tailored to your needs. Capturing special moments and preserving them for a lifetime. An "eye" for photography and a passion for horses are combined into a love to be behind the camera and a love to ride. Every photograph embodies that love, resulting in images that truly are works of fine art.
1357 Monmouth Road
Eastampton, NJ 08060
Horse boarding, training, and horseback riding stable in Eastampton, NJ provides personal attention and premium care.
Nine Pines Horse Farm & ClubEastampton, NJ 08060
(609) 286-9004
Jill@NimbleCreekFarm.comHorse boarding, training, and horseback riding stable in Eastampton, NJ provides personal attention and premium care.
611 Rear Mansfield Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Nine Pines Farm & Club was established in 1976. A friendly, fun, family owned facility catering to the beginner through advanced rider. Quiet, patient lesson horses and an instructor who is a judge and breeder of Quarter Horses. We teach western pleasure, hunter under saddle, showmanship, beginner jumping, trail, western horsemanship, and English equitation. Our barn or yours. Very reasonable rates. No up front costs. Pay as you go. Holiday parties, trophies, and much more. So, so much fun while learning all about horses.
Nine Quarter Circle Ranch, Inc.Belvidere, NJ 07823
(908) 319-4022
ninepineshorseclub@centurylink.netNine Pines Farm & Club was established in 1976. A friendly, fun, family owned facility catering to the beginner through advanced rider. Quiet, patient lesson horses and an instructor who is a judge and breeder of Quarter Horses. We teach western pleasure, hunter under saddle, showmanship, beginner jumping, trail, western horsemanship, and English equitation. Our barn or yours. Very reasonable rates. No up front costs. Pay as you go. Holiday parties, trophies, and much more. So, so much fun while learning all about horses.
Nine Quarter Circle is a Montana guest ranch & dude ranch located in Gallatin Gateway, Montana. We offer an authentic Montana dude ranch family vacation including horseback riding and fishing.
Nisun Performance
192 River Road
Bristol, VT 05443
Providing board and training for the western performance horse, with an emphasis on reining. Lessons for all levels; specializing in NRHA Non Pro riders.
NJ Estates and StablesBristol, VT 05443
(770) 238-7197
nisunperformancehorse@yahoo.comProviding board and training for the western performance horse, with an emphasis on reining. Lessons for all levels; specializing in NRHA Non Pro riders.

Visit NJ Estates and Stables' Facebook Page
(908) 209-9277
info@njestatesandstables.comWelcome to New Jersey Estates and Stables. Our founder Tara Stone along with her team of professionals have created this site with you in mind. We have a full time team of experts on equestrian related real estate in and around central New Jersey with a heavy focus on Hunterdon, Somerset, Union, Morris, and Monmouth Counties. If you are in the market for buying or selling property for your horses or a home with equestrian facilities nearby, relying on a professional realtor can help ensure that you are making the right decision. There are many items to think of when selling or purchasing real estate in New Jersey. This website, along with our team's expertise, will provide you with the necessary tools to insure you make the right decision for you and your family.
With over 30 years' combined experience, Tara and her team can be trusted to bring you vital information at all points during your real estate transaction. Once you close on your new home, whether you are the seller or the buyer, our professional relationship doesn't end there. Tara has lifelong relationships with her clients and hosts a yearly event, where her clients are always honored guests.
If you haven't already discovered why New Jersey is the perfect location for your equestrian life, let us show you!
- Hunterdon County, New Jersey
- Monmouth County, New Jersey
- Morris County, New Jersey
- Somerset County, New Jersey
- Warren County, New Jersey
- Sussex County, New Jersey
530 Prospect Avenue
Little Silver, NJ 07739
See what your horse can't say with equine thermography.
Peter W. Bennett, owner of Equine Thermography, LLC, is a certified thermographer technician trained in the application of Equine Thermography. Equine scans can be done at your local veterinary office, barn, stable, or home. Call our office today or request a survey via our website. I work with all people who have an interest in horses, including vets, owners, sellers, buyers, groomers, farriers, saddle fitters, trainers, massage therapists, and chiropractors. Dressage, hunter, jumper, barrel racing, and rodeo horses. I have worked at Monmouth Park, Belmont Park, and several stables throughout New Jersey.
NK Performance HorsesLittle Silver, NJ 07739
(732) 984-7276
(732) 245-9817
NJEquineir@gmail.comSee what your horse can't say with equine thermography.
Peter W. Bennett, owner of Equine Thermography, LLC, is a certified thermographer technician trained in the application of Equine Thermography. Equine scans can be done at your local veterinary office, barn, stable, or home. Call our office today or request a survey via our website. I work with all people who have an interest in horses, including vets, owners, sellers, buyers, groomers, farriers, saddle fitters, trainers, massage therapists, and chiropractors. Dressage, hunter, jumper, barrel racing, and rodeo horses. I have worked at Monmouth Park, Belmont Park, and several stables throughout New Jersey.
66947 Kessington Rd
Cassopolis, MI 49031
As of the summer of 2010, we will be offering for stud 2 Miniature Horses (one pinto and one silver dapple) and 1 Miniature Donkey. We do bloodline checking and only breed for quality horses. All of our horses have good manners and are handled regularly. Breeding for class "A" Miniatures.
NMSU: Equestrian CenterCassopolis, MI 49031
As of the summer of 2010, we will be offering for stud 2 Miniature Horses (one pinto and one silver dapple) and 1 Miniature Donkey. We do bloodline checking and only breed for quality horses. All of our horses have good manners and are handled regularly. Breeding for class "A" Miniatures.
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Miniature Donkey Stallions and Breeders
Box 30003, MSC 3AG
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Animal & Range Sciences Equestrian Center at New Mexico State University. Links to degrees offered, programs, activities, and more.
No Ribs RanchNew Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Department of Animal & Range Sciences Equestrian Center at New Mexico State University. Links to degrees offered, programs, activities, and more.
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