North America Horse Directory
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Noah's Choice Premium Animal Bedding
All Seasons Firewood LLC
1080 Airport Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
All Seasons Firewood is expanding its product mix to include premium animal bedding. Are you currently using shavings or sawdust to bed your stall? Do you notice that you need to "strip" the stalls weekly in order to keep them clean & fresh? Are flies a problem?
Look no further! Noah's Choice animal bedding is here to the rescue! Noah's Choice is made from pelletized wood shavings and constructed with premium Douglas Fir. This combination gives you excellent odor control and absorbency characteristics. These pellets are simply just like woodstove pellets that come in 2 forms. Standard pellets & also "crumbles" which are broken up pellets. The horse race track people really like the crumbles.
Please contact Glenn Kantock above.
Nobility Ranch1080 Airport Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 544-5359 Office
(707) 480-5528 Mobile
orders@allseasonsfirewood.netAll Seasons Firewood is expanding its product mix to include premium animal bedding. Are you currently using shavings or sawdust to bed your stall? Do you notice that you need to "strip" the stalls weekly in order to keep them clean & fresh? Are flies a problem?
Look no further! Noah's Choice animal bedding is here to the rescue! Noah's Choice is made from pelletized wood shavings and constructed with premium Douglas Fir. This combination gives you excellent odor control and absorbency characteristics. These pellets are simply just like woodstove pellets that come in 2 forms. Standard pellets & also "crumbles" which are broken up pellets. The horse race track people really like the crumbles.
Please contact Glenn Kantock above.
Orrville, OH 44667
Offering quality and caring equine and canine sports massage therapy in Wayne County, Ohio, and the surrounding area. Therapist is certified through Equissage and Mary Schreiber, which is a premier equine sports massage training facility in the United States.
Noble Farms(330) 930-0556
seasone@nobilityranch.comOffering quality and caring equine and canine sports massage therapy in Wayne County, Ohio, and the surrounding area. Therapist is certified through Equissage and Mary Schreiber, which is a premier equine sports massage training facility in the United States.
4080 W 1300 South
Clinton, IN 47842
Full service farm and stallion station offering boarding, training, breeding and sales. Breeding warmbloods and sport ponies. Stallions welcome. All breeds. Standing Cremello Welsh. Shipped semen and AI. Specializing in hunter/jumper and dressage.
Noble Horse GalleryClinton, IN 47842
(765) 828-0599
nobleponies@yahoo.comFull service farm and stallion station offering boarding, training, breeding and sales. Breeding warmbloods and sport ponies. Stallions welcome. All breeds. Standing Cremello Welsh. Shipped semen and AI. Specializing in hunter/jumper and dressage.
- Welsh Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Sport Pony Breeders and Stallions
881 SE Pioneer Way
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Noble Horse SaddleryOak Harbor, WA 98277
(360) 544-3067
Wildwood Farm
2326 N Happy Valley Rd
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Noble Panels & Gates2326 N Happy Valley Rd
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
(360) 679-3474
51756 Fruitvale Rd
Milton Freewater, OR 97862
Noble Panels & Gates is your quality horse fencing manufacturer. Noble fence panels make a safe portable and permanent fencing.
Noble RanchMilton Freewater, OR 97862
(800) 437-3966
(541) 558-3966
info@noblepanels.comNoble Panels & Gates is your quality horse fencing manufacturer. Noble fence panels make a safe portable and permanent fencing.
1019 Noble Court
Minden, NV 89423
Noble Ranch is a family operated facility that provides quality care on a personal level. We accept a limited number of boarders and have various type of stabling, and for those interested, we have individual lesson programs headed by an established hunter/jumper trainer. Please see our website for the full range of our services.
Noel's Farrier Service, LLCMinden, NV 89423
(775) 450-9084
kimberlee@nobleranch.orgNoble Ranch is a family operated facility that provides quality care on a personal level. We accept a limited number of boarders and have various type of stabling, and for those interested, we have individual lesson programs headed by an established hunter/jumper trainer. Please see our website for the full range of our services.

Visit Noel's Farrier Service, LLC's Facebook Page
Ocala, FL 34481
(352) 237-0857
noelshoeit@noelsfarrierservice.comNoel Diaz, CF with Noel's Farrier Service. Specializing in hoof ailments, Laminitis, Navicular, club foot, angular deviations, acrylic hoof repair, and other lameness issues. Services include show jumpers, Arabians, jumpers, hunters, and other disciplines. Graduated from Oklahoma Horseshoeing School, 1989.

4030 Fairfax Drive
Columbus, OH 43220
(866) 647-2823
info@NolanHoofHealth.comNolan Hoof Health offers a non-invasive treatment for laminitis, thin soles, and hoof cracks. We put chronic laminitic horses back to work through the education of owners, vets, and farriers as to the inner mechanics of the hoof, educational resources on the healthy and unhealthy hoof, and how to build a hoof care team. We offer products for chronic laminitis, such as the Nolan Hoof Plate, and products for abscesses and nutritional needs.
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