North America Horse Directory
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North Road Stable
460 North Road
Jefferson, NY 12093
We are family owned with 400 acres of private trails and pasture. Newly remodeled barn with matted box stalls. Any breed/discipline welcome. Retirements and layups get the special care they need. Lessons available. Foaling areas can be arranged. 200 x 180 outdoor riding arena. Very clean stable. We cut our own hay, and only the best goes to the horses.
North Star Farms LLCJefferson, NY 12093
(607) 652-3188
buck04@hughes.netWe are family owned with 400 acres of private trails and pasture. Newly remodeled barn with matted box stalls. Any breed/discipline welcome. Retirements and layups get the special care they need. Lessons available. Foaling areas can be arranged. 200 x 180 outdoor riding arena. Very clean stable. We cut our own hay, and only the best goes to the horses.

Visit North Star Farms LLC's Facebook Page
2250 Ridgewood Road
Medina, OH 44256
(215) 513-3074
NorthStarFarmsHJ@yahoo.comNorth Star Farms offers an educational, fun, goal oriented environment, which encourages children and adults to succeed at their highest ability in the equine world.
Concentrating on hunters, North Star Farms prides itself on developing the rider's equitation and horsemanship while enjoying the barn and all it has to offer.
We offer lessons, training, boarding, and showing in the hunter jumper disciplines.
Ashley Areddy is North Star Farms' head trainer.
Ashley Areddy is the head coach of both North Star Farms IEA team and the Oberlin College Hunt Seat IHSA team. The North Star Farms IEA team is for children from 6th to 12th grade. This program concentrates solely on equitation and is a wonderful program for any rider.
North Star Farms offers a wide variety of shows you can attend, from academy to rated.
Feel free to call or email Ashley Areddy above.

Visit North Texas Arabian Horse Club - NTAHC's Facebook Page
3028 Ripy Road
Krum, TX 76249
We are the largest Arabian Horse Association (AHA) club in Region 9 (AR, LA, OK, TX) with over 250 members (as of May 2011). Our club leadership is active in the Arabian horse industry as well as the AHA at the local, regional, and national levels. We host 2 Class A shows annually - the Mayfest Challenge in Ft Worth each May, and the Shootout Show in Glen Rose, TX, each November. Come join in the fun!
7332 CR 964
Nevada, TX 75173
Certified farrier for Collin & Rockwall counties.
North Texas Friesians & SporthorsesNevada, TX 75173
(469) 667-7121
noblehatch@gmail.comCertified farrier for Collin & Rockwall counties.
1095 West Pecan St
Sadler, TX 76264
North Texas SaddlerySadler, TX 76264
(903) 821-8621
(903) 564-9991
2302 Willis Lane
Celina, TX 75009
Saddle and tack repair, custom saddles, and custom leather work.
North Valley Hat CompanyCelina, TX 75009
(972) 765-0999
northtxsaddlery@gmail.comSaddle and tack repair, custom saddles, and custom leather work.
8356 Liberty Rd S
Salem, OR 97306
"Quality that makes the difference"
Custom made felt hats. Felt hat renovation. By "master hatter", Rodney Allison. Western, buckaroo, period, fedora, derby - you name it, we make it!
North View FarmSalem, OR 97306
(503) 371-1110"Quality that makes the difference"
Custom made felt hats. Felt hat renovation. By "master hatter", Rodney Allison. Western, buckaroo, period, fedora, derby - you name it, we make it!
2030 Cedar Lane Ext
Bordentown, NJ 08505
To believe you can is everything. Horseback riding lessons, horse training, boarding, all at North View Farm in Bordentown, New Jersey.
Bordentown, NJ 08505
(609) 923-4330
streynolds@verizon.netTo believe you can is everything. Horseback riding lessons, horse training, boarding, all at North View Farm in Bordentown, New Jersey.
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