North America Horse Directory
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North Wind Performance Horses
163 Center Rd
Gray, ME 04039
21 stall facility with all the high end amenities at half the price. Large indoor arena, outdoor arena, round pen, wash stalls, heated tack room and viewing room, individual turn outs, and full/partial/weekly/daily board rates. Contact us today for a tour of the facility. Specializing in Barrel Racing and Pole Bending.
North Wind Stables Ltd.Gray, ME 04039
21 stall facility with all the high end amenities at half the price. Large indoor arena, outdoor arena, round pen, wash stalls, heated tack room and viewing room, individual turn outs, and full/partial/weekly/daily board rates. Contact us today for a tour of the facility. Specializing in Barrel Racing and Pole Bending.
6 Meadow Cliff Lane
Blairstown, NJ 07825
North Wind Stables is full service training, lesson, and show facility; specializing in American Saddlebreds and Hackney Ponies. Nealia McCracken (owner/trainer).
Northeast & Central Florida Builders Inc.Blairstown, NJ 07825
(908) 362-7858
northwind6@worldnet.att.netNorth Wind Stables is full service training, lesson, and show facility; specializing in American Saddlebreds and Hackney Ponies. Nealia McCracken (owner/trainer).
Kissimmee, FL
Quality steel barns. Farm buildings and riding arenas. All types and sizes. Call for quotes.
Northeast Seminars(407) 518-9309
william@ncfbuilders.comQuality steel barns. Farm buildings and riding arenas. All types and sizes. Call for quotes.

Visit Northeast Seminars' Facebook Page
PO Box 522
Hampstead, NH 03826
(800) 272-2044
info@neseminars.comNortheast Seminars provides physical therapy, equine therapy training, online physical therapy courses, physical therapy continuing education, mulligan concept, equine rehab seminars, and veterinary medicine.
200 I Street NE
Miami, OK 74354
NEO A&M College offers a wide variety of equine courses that offer practical knowledge and hands-on experience. Courses are Introduction to Equine, Equine Reproduction, Training Management I and II, Horsemanship, Equine Business and Production Management, Horseshoeing and Advanced Horseshoeing, Equine Selection, and Equine Health and Disease. Our courses are designed to cover all facets of the Equine Industry. NEO also has an Equestrian Team and Equine Judging Team that offer scholarships on a competitive basis.
Northeastern Oklahoma EquineMiami, OK 74354
(918) 540-6277
chelsie.huseman@neo.eduNEO A&M College offers a wide variety of equine courses that offer practical knowledge and hands-on experience. Courses are Introduction to Equine, Equine Reproduction, Training Management I and II, Horsemanship, Equine Business and Production Management, Horseshoeing and Advanced Horseshoeing, Equine Selection, and Equine Health and Disease. Our courses are designed to cover all facets of the Equine Industry. NEO also has an Equestrian Team and Equine Judging Team that offer scholarships on a competitive basis.

Visit Northeastern Oklahoma Equine's Facebook Page
PO Box 520948
Tulsa, OK 74152
(918) 417-9861
info@neokequine.comWe provide mobile equine veterinary services for all of Northeastern Oklahoma. Dr Mary Swartz is a board certified reproduction specialist, an AVCA certified animal chiropractor, and certified in medical acupuncture.
Services provided include: general equine veterinary services, chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture for all species, reproductive services for all species, power teeth floating, vaccinations, and digital Coggins testing.
211 Rice Road
Waterford, ME 04088
Northern Illinois Stable Directory, TheWaterford, ME 04088
(207) 595-3377
This is a directory of horse barns, boarding stables, and riding stables in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. We also have a list of local tack shops and specialized riding organizations on the site.
Northern Light Farm, Inc.This is a directory of horse barns, boarding stables, and riding stables in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. We also have a list of local tack shops and specialized riding organizations on the site.
18203 Darnestown Road
Poolesville, MD 20837
Boarding, training, lessons, and showing. Hunters, jumpers, and equitation. Large indoor and outdoor riding rings, 12x12 stalls, heated wash and tack area, and over 100 acres of turn out. Professional atmosphere and excellent care for your horse. Enjoy riding with an instructor who invests in you. Training available - based on 20 years of experience.
Poolesville, MD 20837
(240) 888-6945
trainer@northernlightfarm.comBoarding, training, lessons, and showing. Hunters, jumpers, and equitation. Large indoor and outdoor riding rings, 12x12 stalls, heated wash and tack area, and over 100 acres of turn out. Professional atmosphere and excellent care for your horse. Enjoy riding with an instructor who invests in you. Training available - based on 20 years of experience.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
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