North America Horse Directory
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Oakwood Quarter Horses
587 John Scott Road
Aiken, SC 29803
Home of Color Me Buddy (palomino) and Who Needs Color (cremello).
Oakzanita RanchOat Grass and Grass Mix HayAiken, SC 29803
(803) 648-9980
Home of Color Me Buddy (palomino) and Who Needs Color (cremello).
526 Peachblow Rd
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Oat grass hay for sale: $3 per bale.
Grass hay (blue grass/alf/tim/clover mix) for sale: $3.50 per bale.
Please email me if interested.
(Prices as of Aug 2009)
Oatman StablesLewis Center, OH 43035
(740) 816-1890
dawn@sfterritory.comOat grass hay for sale: $3 per bale.
Grass hay (blue grass/alf/tim/clover mix) for sale: $3.50 per bale.
Please email me if interested.
(Prices as of Aug 2009)
PO Box 301
Oatman, AZ 86433
Horse rides in Oatman Arizona on Historic Route 66. The west at its best can only be seen from horseback. On our horses you will experience the rugged beauty of the Black Mountains while riding trails once used by the U.S. Cavalry.
Ocala Carriage & ToursOatman, AZ 86433
(928) 768-3257
oatmanstables@mohaveaz.comHorse rides in Oatman Arizona on Historic Route 66. The west at its best can only be seen from horseback. On our horses you will experience the rugged beauty of the Black Mountains while riding trails once used by the U.S. Cavalry.
(352) 867-8717
(877) WWOCALA (996-2252)
info@ocalacarriage.comTour beautiful Ocala horse farms by horse-drawn carriage.

Visit Ocala Horse Properties' Facebook Page
Ocala, FL
Before purchasing a farm, it is important that you understand the Ocala farm market. The market is constantly changing and getting stronger every day. In order to make the best decision on exactly where to buy your new farm, you need Ocala, Florida, farm experts.
As Ocala farm owners and equestrian competitors, we know the Ocala horse-farm market inside and out. We don't want you to buy just any farm; we want you to buy the right farm... in the right area... with the right amount of acreage... the right distance from town. And we will direct you toward an area that is increasing in value. We believe it is our responsibility to educate our clientele on everything they need to know prior to buying a horse farm. Our team comes to you with an uncompromising commitment to ensure you are taken care of every step of they way.
Ocala Ranches is your source for Ocala horse farms for sale, land, and acreage.
8395 Number Nine Road
Brookville, OH 45309
ONM bedding additive has the ability to save the user money and time maintaining their stalls by reducing the amount of bedding consumed, reducing maintenance time, and reducing the amount of disposed used bedding. Current users are realizing a 50-75%+ overall cost reduction in these areas. We estimate that at below 50%, this product becomes cost neutral (subject to individual methods of stall maintenance).
The Odor-No-More(TM) bedding additive is one of the most effective odor and liquid eliminators available, providing the ability to absorb and retain up to 500 times its weight while delivering our proprietary micro-nutrient blend for complete odor elimination on contact.
Brookville, OH 45309
(937) 884-8884 bedding additive has the ability to save the user money and time maintaining their stalls by reducing the amount of bedding consumed, reducing maintenance time, and reducing the amount of disposed used bedding. Current users are realizing a 50-75%+ overall cost reduction in these areas. We estimate that at below 50%, this product becomes cost neutral (subject to individual methods of stall maintenance).
The Odor-No-More(TM) bedding additive is one of the most effective odor and liquid eliminators available, providing the ability to absorb and retain up to 500 times its weight while delivering our proprietary micro-nutrient blend for complete odor elimination on contact.
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