North America Horse Directory
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Okjen Farm
2263 E Hemmi Rd
Bellingham, WA 98226
Breeders, importer, training, and stud service. Home of champion Friesian horses. We stand one of the highest awarded Friesian stallions in the history of the breed in dressage. We own and bred the 2007-2008 National Champion fillies.
Oklahoma Farm and Ranch Real EstateBellingham, WA 98226
(360) 966-4407
linda@okjenfarm.comBreeders, importer, training, and stud service. Home of champion Friesian horses. We stand one of the highest awarded Friesian stallions in the history of the breed in dressage. We own and bred the 2007-2008 National Champion fillies.
- Friesian Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- New Forest Pony Breeders and Stallions
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in Oklahoma. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.
Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association - OKQHAOklahoma State University -
Department of Animal Science
101 Animal Science Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
Old Cow Town101 Animal Science Building
Stillwater, OK 74078
(405) 744-6062

Visit Old Cow Town's Facebook Page
36710 County Rd CC 36
Saguache, CO 81149
(719) 655-2224
info@oldcowtowncolorado.comA 1880's western town with clean stables for overnight or extended stays.
12617 Lee Hwy
Washington, VA 22747
Wood horse jumps from Virginia and horse show jumps or equine obstacles for hunter and jumper training: nationwide delivery available.
Old Dominion Jumps & Standards, LLCWashington, VA 22747
(540) 987-8412
Wood horse jumps from Virginia and horse show jumps or equine obstacles for hunter and jumper training: nationwide delivery available.
12617 Lee Hwy
Washington, VA 22747
East Coast provider of wood arena obstacles for sport horses, hunters, and jumpers with nationwide delivery.
Old Dominion Morgan Horse AssociationOld Dominion Region, USPC - ODRWashington, VA 22747
(540) 987-8412
olddominionjumps@aol.comEast Coast provider of wood arena obstacles for sport horses, hunters, and jumpers with nationwide delivery.
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