North America Horse Directory
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On Impulse Equine, LLC Saddle Fitting

Visit On Impulse Equine, LLC Saddle Fitting's Facebook Page
Kennesaw, GA 30152
(770) 335-2502
onimpulsemassage@hotmail.comDena Owens is a certified saddle fitter providing on-site independent evaluation of saddle fit for any brand of saddle.
A saddle fitting will include:
- History of both horse and rider
- Symmetry and palpation evaluation
- Movement evaluation
- Tracings and templates
- Evaluation of integrity of saddle(s)
- Static saddle fit evaluation with horse square
- Dynamic evaluation of horse & rider
- Onsite adjustments to flocking
- Suggestions for padding or other alternatives as needed
Other services include:
- On-site flocking
- Complete Re-flock using 100% wool
- Conversions from Foam, Cair, or Flair to wool
- Billet replacement
Dena is also a certified equine massage therapist.

Visit On Target Training by Shawna Karrasch's Facebook Page
1006 Skyline Place
San Marcos, CA 92078
(800) 638-2090
(760) 304-4243
shawna@on-target-training.comThe breakthrough method for dramatically improving your training program; On Target Training for Horses, by Shawna Karrasch, brings clicker training and beyond to the equine industry.

Visit On The Bit Horse Supplies' Facebook Page
3401 Henry Street SW, Suite 6
Bondurant, IA 50035
(515) 412-1017
(800) 509-7553
We are a feed and tack store located in Bondurant, Iowa. Besides new and used tack, we carry every thing you need for every day care of your horse. Plus, we feature indoor riding arena dust control and footing stabilization products.
P.O. Box 852
10601 Robison Road
Pearce, AZ 85625
We are a new, young breeding horse farm. We are lifetime members of AQHA/APHA. Owned and operated by Richard and Deborah Murphy. Our goal is to breed and sell top quality, sound registered AQHA/APHA horses.
Onawa Cutshall Photography10601 Robison Road
Pearce, AZ 85625
(520) 824-8888
(520) 709-1031
inhsprms@vtc.netWe are a new, young breeding horse farm. We are lifetime members of AQHA/APHA. Owned and operated by Richard and Deborah Murphy. Our goal is to breed and sell top quality, sound registered AQHA/APHA horses.
5762 N Mayer Dr
Frederick, MD 21704
Equine photographer available for farm visits throughout the Mid-Atlantic.
One Diamond BarFrederick, MD 21704
Equine photographer available for farm visits throughout the Mid-Atlantic.
P.O. Box 26
205 Sussex Road
Kaycee, WY 82639
True wild west adventures in Kaycee, Wyoming and the surrounding Big Horn Mountain Country. Cattle drives, tour the hole in the wall, branding, and horsemanship clinics. Work alongside real Wyoming cowboys.
One Hand Ranch Tack Shop, LLCOne Heart Equestrian Therapy Inc.One Oak Farm Paint & Quarter Horses205 Sussex Road
Kaycee, WY 82639
(307) 738-2416
onediamondbar@rtconnect.netTrue wild west adventures in Kaycee, Wyoming and the surrounding Big Horn Mountain Country. Cattle drives, tour the hole in the wall, branding, and horsemanship clinics. Work alongside real Wyoming cowboys.
P.O. Box 188
1837 Walters Ln
Van Wyck, SC 29744
AS full service horse boarding facility. Family owned & operated. Indoor-Outdoor riding rings, trail, matted stalls - much more! Convenient to the south Charlotte metro area just across state line in S.C. Private lessons and trainers by appointment. Excellent care, quiet, & private. Great place for show or pleasure horses. All breeds and disciplines welcome.
Boarding is limited, thus there is never a crowd. Visit our website for more information.
One Sky Ranch1837 Walters Ln
Van Wyck, SC 29744
(803) 285-6225
AS full service horse boarding facility. Family owned & operated. Indoor-Outdoor riding rings, trail, matted stalls - much more! Convenient to the south Charlotte metro area just across state line in S.C. Private lessons and trainers by appointment. Excellent care, quiet, & private. Great place for show or pleasure horses. All breeds and disciplines welcome.
Boarding is limited, thus there is never a crowd. Visit our website for more information.
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