North America Horse Directory
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One Spirit Ranch
One Spirit Ranch is a boutique breeder of fine Spanish Portuguese Andalusian, Lusitano, and Azteca horses. Standing at stud: Soloro, a dun Lusitano stallion.
One Stop Equine Shop, The- Lusitano Breeders and Stallions
- Andalusian Horse Farms
- Azteca Breeders
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms

Visit One Stop Equine Shop, The's Facebook Page
2822 Pawnee Circle
Glenview, IL 60026
(847) 309-3571
support@onestopequineshop.comOneStopEquineShop offers bareback pads, saddle pads and other horse gear! OneStopEquineShop is a great place for all of your horse needs, from clothing to saddles to tacks and bits and even horse jewelry. Come check us out today and see why thousands of horse owners choose us.
509 Marine Drive
Logy Bay
St John's NL A1K 3E5
A retailer of products for the horse & rider.
Online Equine Supplies Western Trail RidingLogy Bay
St John's NL A1K 3E5
A retailer of products for the horse & rider.
695 Snowhill Road
Northhampton, PA 18067
Western trail riding resource and tack shop with equipment, supplies, and tack for riders and their horses. After over 30 successful years of supplying equestrians with all their horse and barn needs, we are excited to offer our valued customers the convenience of shopping online for their horse tack, trail riding equipment, and barn supplies.
Only In The MoonliteNorthhampton, PA 18067
(844) 285-8255
onlineequinesupplies@gmail.comWestern trail riding resource and tack shop with equipment, supplies, and tack for riders and their horses. After over 30 successful years of supplying equestrians with all their horse and barn needs, we are excited to offer our valued customers the convenience of shopping online for their horse tack, trail riding equipment, and barn supplies.
Standing at Gumz Farms
Morganfield, KY 42437
Congress Champion stallion.
Ontario Horse ResourceMorganfield, KY 42437
(270) 389-0887
Congress Champion stallion.
A website dedicated to Ontario horse owners.
Free photo classified ads.
Free links to your site.
Training and lessons.
Directory of Ontario services.
Ontario Paint Horse Club - OPHCOntario Percheron Horse Association - OPHAOntario Quarter Horse Association - OQHAOpen Arms Therapy - OATA website dedicated to Ontario horse owners.
Free photo classified ads.
Free links to your site.
Training and lessons.
Directory of Ontario services.
PO Box 616
Dalhart, TX 79022
Open Arms Therapy (OAT) is a 501(c)3 non-profit, equine therapeutic riding program in Dalhart, Texas. Our mission is to serve the disabled in our community by providing an opportunity to improve physical, psychological, social, and cognitive well-being through safe equine assisted activities. Established in 2008, OAT is located in the farming and ranching community of Dalhart. Our organization will rely strongly on the volunteer and financial support of the local community, as well as financial support we hope to gain outside the community through corporate, state, and national organizations. OAT currently meets twice a week for 2-half hour riding sessions. We are working to develop lesson plans geared towards each individual and their needs. All riding sessions encourage social interaction, increased independence, and creativity, and it is our goal to provide a personal, friendly, and caring learning environment.
Participate * Volunteer * Donate !!!
Thank you.
Dalhart, TX 79022
(806) 268-5838
information@openarmstherapy.orgOpen Arms Therapy (OAT) is a 501(c)3 non-profit, equine therapeutic riding program in Dalhart, Texas. Our mission is to serve the disabled in our community by providing an opportunity to improve physical, psychological, social, and cognitive well-being through safe equine assisted activities. Established in 2008, OAT is located in the farming and ranching community of Dalhart. Our organization will rely strongly on the volunteer and financial support of the local community, as well as financial support we hope to gain outside the community through corporate, state, and national organizations. OAT currently meets twice a week for 2-half hour riding sessions. We are working to develop lesson plans geared towards each individual and their needs. All riding sessions encourage social interaction, increased independence, and creativity, and it is our goal to provide a personal, friendly, and caring learning environment.
Participate * Volunteer * Donate !!!
Thank you.
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