North America Horse Directory
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Owens' Quarter HorsesOwens' Top of the Hill Horses
Rural Route 2 Box 148
Tower Hill, IL 62571
Trail rides, horse back riding, guided wooded trail rides, riding lessons, training, breaking, boarding, breeding, sales, and transportation.
owner trainerTower Hill, IL 62571
(217) 567-3199
(217) 273-3199
owensthh@gmail.comTrail rides, horse back riding, guided wooded trail rides, riding lessons, training, breaking, boarding, breeding, sales, and transportation.
- Tennessee Walking Horse Farms
- American Saddlebred Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Saddleseat Stables
- Driving Stables
- Horse Training Stables
5028 Rose Valley Rd
Trout Run, PA 17771
Hunter jumper farm. Lycoming County premier 60 acre facility offering an indoor ring, a 200 x 300 outdoor, full care, sales, training, shows, and lessons. Located 15 minutes north of Williamsport, PA.
Oxbow StablesTrout Run, PA 17771
Hunter jumper farm. Lycoming County premier 60 acre facility offering an indoor ring, a 200 x 300 outdoor, full care, sales, training, shows, and lessons. Located 15 minutes north of Williamsport, PA.
39 Orts Road
Hamburg, NJ 07419
Wonderful boarding, eventing, and dressage barn. Friendly atmosphere. Monthly shows and clinics. 4-h affiliated. Offers a lesson program, and facilities include an indoor lighted ring, 3 dressage rings, 2 jumping rings, a x-country course and trails.
Oxer Ridge FarmHamburg, NJ 07419
(973) 209-8902
info@oxbowstables.comWonderful boarding, eventing, and dressage barn. Friendly atmosphere. Monthly shows and clinics. 4-h affiliated. Offers a lesson program, and facilities include an indoor lighted ring, 3 dressage rings, 2 jumping rings, a x-country course and trails.
34260 NE Old Parrett Mountain Road
Newberg, OR 97132
Oxer Ridge Farm is a hunter/jumper training facility located in Newberg, OR. There are 22 total indoor stalls, 9 large grassy pastures with daily turnout, a 80x180 indoor arena, and a 250x350 outdoor arena. There are individual training programs. The trainer is Rene Donley. Contact information for Rene Donley is (503) 747-9626.
Ozark CanadaNewberg, OR 97132
(503) 925-1830
(503) 747-9626
oxerridgefarm@yahoo.comOxer Ridge Farm is a hunter/jumper training facility located in Newberg, OR. There are 22 total indoor stalls, 9 large grassy pastures with daily turnout, a 80x180 indoor arena, and a 250x350 outdoor arena. There are individual training programs. The trainer is Rene Donley. Contact information for Rene Donley is (503) 747-9626.

Visit Ozark Canada's Facebook Page
2526 Effingham Rd
Ridgeville ON L0S 1M0
We are your Canadian source for miniature horse tack and supplies! We provide you with one of the largest and best selections of products for miniatures that you will find. Free color catalogues available.

Visit Ozark Mountain Meadows Ranch's Facebook Page
2669 CR 4021
Ozark, AR 72949
(479) 497-2127
You'll never find an Ozark mountain getaway this secluded. Our single private guest cabin is just a few feet away from some great trails within the Ozark National Forest, creeks, waterfalls and wildlife.
PO Box 1143
Valley Center, CA 92082
Comprehensive equine services. Breaking, training, showing, and sales. Specializing in young horses, hunters and jumpers, and Thoroughbred racing. Will take a horse from start to finish.
Pacific AirliftPacific Coast Horse Shows Association - PCHAValley Center, CA 92082
(760) 518-8806
PHridr@hotmail.comComprehensive equine services. Breaking, training, showing, and sales. Specializing in young horses, hunters and jumpers, and Thoroughbred racing. Will take a horse from start to finish.
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