North America Horse Directory
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Parsons' Pony FarmPartners for Progress
Fields & Fences Equestrian Center
36650 N. Hunt Club Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
Partners in Equestrian Therapy - PET36650 N. Hunt Club Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 226-1300
P.O. Box 5253
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
Therapeutic horse back riding for individuals with special needs and disabilities in San Luis Obispo, California.
Contact: Melanie Williams-Mahan
Party PoniesParty Up PoniesSan Luis Obispo, CA 93403
(805) 235-2787
petslo@gmail.comTherapeutic horse back riding for individuals with special needs and disabilities in San Luis Obispo, California.
Contact: Melanie Williams-Mahan

Visit Party Up Ponies' Facebook Page
130 Antrim Dr
San Antonio, TX 78218
(210) 625-7669"PuP" is an operation out of San Antonio, Texas, which provides pony entertainment services. We currently operate in the South West Texas area. We provide pony rides, pony carousels, and pony pictures at various events and celebrations from birthday parties to fairs and festivals.
271 San Marcos Road
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Mobile equine veterinarian treating horses in Paso Robles, California. Specialized in lameness, equine dentistry, regenerative medicine, and sports medicine. Based out of Paso Robles, CA. Serving San Miguel, Atascadero, Templeton, Creston, Shandon, Cambria, Cayucos, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, King City, Arroyo Grande, and Santa Maria.
PasotiempoPaso Robles, CA 93446
(805) 215-6501
pasoroblesequine@gmail.comMobile equine veterinarian treating horses in Paso Robles, California. Specialized in lameness, equine dentistry, regenerative medicine, and sports medicine. Based out of Paso Robles, CA. Serving San Miguel, Atascadero, Templeton, Creston, Shandon, Cambria, Cayucos, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, King City, Arroyo Grande, and Santa Maria.
Calhoun, GA 30701
Dedicated to pinto Paso Finos. We are located in north Georgia. Raising both trail and show Paso Finos in pinto and in color.
Pass To The StarsPassing Fancy
Dedicated to pinto Paso Finos. We are located in north Georgia. Raising both trail and show Paso Finos in pinto and in color.
121 Gifford Rd
Johnsonville, NY 12094
See our website. We specialize in temperament, conformation, and best breeding crosses for each sporthorse we breed raise and train.
We raise and train horses to be horses, love people, and want to be willing participants in the training process.
Stallions at stud and young horses for sale as well as training and competition for your horse at a price you can afford today!
Passionate HorsemanshipJohnsonville, NY 12094
(518) 860-4327
(518) 753-7727
pfftm@msn.comSee our website. We specialize in temperament, conformation, and best breeding crosses for each sporthorse we breed raise and train.
We raise and train horses to be horses, love people, and want to be willing participants in the training process.
Stallions at stud and young horses for sale as well as training and competition for your horse at a price you can afford today!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables

Visit Passionate Horsemanship's Facebook Page
Merkel, TX 79536
(325) 261-3360
passionatehorsemanship@gmail.comPassionate Horsemanship is a family owned Christian business. We have over 30 years of horse experience and are dedicated to mentoring horse owners who are passionate about horses and are willing to invest the time to gain the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to build a solid relationship with their horse based on positive reinforcement (clicker training) and passive leadership theories. Passionate Horsemanship specializes in miniature horses and ponies, but we also work with full sized horses.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Christian Community
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors
- Natural Horsemanship Training
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