North America Horse Directory
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Paula Dillon Mays Therapy ClinicsPaws Ranch Equine Rescue - PRERI

Visit Paws Ranch Equine Rescue - PRERI's Facebook Page
158 Paws Ranch Rd
Mailing: PO Box 338
Bostic, NC 28018
(800) 580-6504
info@pawsranch.orgPaws Ranch Equine Rescue, Inc.(PRERI) is dedicated to the compassionate care of equine. We are a 501(c)(3) volunteer based animal welfare facility. PRERI was established in 2006 as a small farm taking care of a handful of abused or neglected horses privately until 2010 and felt our community needed a facility to care for these creatures. In March of 2010, Paws Ranch Equine Rescue, Inc. was formed to ensure quality care and treatment of horses through intervention, education, and outreach in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
Since our beginning, PRERI is a haven where horses, mules, and donkeys have found a safe environment to thrive free from abuse, hunger, and sadness and have been given a purpose and not just an existence. We provide care for unwanted, abused, or neglected horses. Since its inception, Paws Ranch has gone from a small farm that sheltered only a few horses to a full service well-respected rehabilitation facility housing up to 30 horses at any given time.
7229 Elizabeth St
Cincinnati, OH 45231
We are proud to offer you a complete line of creative imagery services, such as web design, custom logos, printed advertising, and photography to name a few. Specializing in but not limited to the canine/equine community.
Payne Farm TooCincinnati, OH 45231
(513) 500-6941
pawsndesign@mindspring.comWe are proud to offer you a complete line of creative imagery services, such as web design, custom logos, printed advertising, and photography to name a few. Specializing in but not limited to the canine/equine community.
125 Dubois Rd
New Paltz, NY 12561
100 acres. Sales, lessons, boarding, and trail rides (in season).
Facility includes:
- Indoor Arena
- Great Footing
- Lights
- Heated Changing Area
- Outdoor Arena
- Round Pen
Several great instructors to choose from. English, Cross Country, and Fox Hunting opportunities. Western Barrel Racing lessons by appointment.
Payson Park Thoroughbred Training CenterNew Paltz, NY 12561
(845) 255-0177
paynfarmtoo@aol.com100 acres. Sales, lessons, boarding, and trail rides (in season).
Facility includes:
- Indoor Arena
- Great Footing
- Lights
- Heated Changing Area
- Outdoor Arena
- Round Pen
Several great instructors to choose from. English, Cross Country, and Fox Hunting opportunities. Western Barrel Racing lessons by appointment.

9700 SW Kanner Highway
Indiantown, FL 34956
payson@happyhorseswin.comPayson Park Thoroughbred Training Center in Indiantown, Florida, is the winter place to be for horses and trainers looking for an extra edge over their competition. We like to say "Happy Horses Win." Find out why Payson Park is considered "Club Med for horses"!
Happy Horses Win!
5555 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd NE
Suite 251
Atlanta, GA 30342
Fine art portraiture.
Equestrian show/event coverage.
Selective gift line.
PDM Training StablesSuite 251
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 771-5155
psaphotography@gmail.comFine art portraiture.
Equestrian show/event coverage.
Selective gift line.
7500 Muller Road
Bakersfield, CA 93307
Equestrian training - hunters, jumpers, equitation. Beginning to advanced horsemanship. Quality horses for sale. Full service stable located in Bakersfield, California.
Peace Point Equestrian CenterPeaceful Valley Donkey Rescue - PVDRBakersfield, CA 93307
(661) 366-4034
pdmstables@sbcglobal.netEquestrian training - hunters, jumpers, equitation. Beginning to advanced horsemanship. Quality horses for sale. Full service stable located in Bakersfield, California.
23500 Sand Canyon Road
Tehachapi, CA 93581
Peachtree FarmTehachapi, CA 93581
(877) 782-5527
(866) DONKS-31
4819 Highway 96 E
Arrington, TN 37014
Arrington, TN 37014
(615) 419-1089
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