North America Horse Directory
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Pete's Custom Saddlery
9728 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Pembroke, KY 42266
Pete's Custom Saddles & Tack has been providing the finest craftsmanship since 1982. Our saddle lines include custom built Western and side saddles that range from the show ring to the trail, saddle restorations for your antique saddles such as the Civil War enthusiast's McClellan, and saddle repairs to keep your favorite hard working and well-ridden saddles going for the long term. We can outfit your saddle with custom tack to accompany new and old saddles or provide riding gear and both working and period gun holsters, rifle scabbards, etc. for the cowboy shooter. Additionally, we offer saddle-making lessons and free tips for choosing the right saddle for you and your horse or simply properly caring for your well-loved saddle equipment so that it will last for years to come.
Peter Campbell / Willing PartnersPembroke, KY 42266
(270) 886-5448
petescustomsaddles@gmail.comPete's Custom Saddles & Tack has been providing the finest craftsmanship since 1982. Our saddle lines include custom built Western and side saddles that range from the show ring to the trail, saddle restorations for your antique saddles such as the Civil War enthusiast's McClellan, and saddle repairs to keep your favorite hard working and well-ridden saddles going for the long term. We can outfit your saddle with custom tack to accompany new and old saddles or provide riding gear and both working and period gun holsters, rifle scabbards, etc. for the cowboy shooter. Additionally, we offer saddle-making lessons and free tips for choosing the right saddle for you and your horse or simply properly caring for your well-loved saddle equipment so that it will last for years to come.
Box 815
Wheatland, WY 82201
Horsemanship clinics specializing in colt starting, horsemanship, cow working, and ranch roping. Any horse and rider combination allowed! One of the founding fathers of clinics!
Petersen Manufacturing Company, Inc.Wheatland, WY 82201
(800) 349-7078
(307) 322-4478
trc@wildblue.netHorsemanship clinics specializing in colt starting, horsemanship, cow working, and ranch roping. Any horse and rider combination allowed! One of the founding fathers of clinics!
2475 Hwy 30
Denison, IA 51442
Petersen Waterers manufactures durable, steel reinforced concrete livestock waterers and fountains. Perfect for sheep, small animals, horses, and cattle.
Peterson & Smith Equine HospitalDenison, IA 51442
(712) 263-2442
(800) 832-7383
sales@petersenwaterers.comPetersen Waterers manufactures durable, steel reinforced concrete livestock waterers and fountains. Perfect for sheep, small animals, horses, and cattle.
4747 Southwest 60th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34474
Tradition, Leadership, Excellence.
Petit Galop / Granny Fox FarmOcala, FL 34474
(352) 237-6151
Tradition, Leadership, Excellence.
100 Farley Lane
Goshen, NY 10924
Petit Galop is located just one-hour from NYC in Goshen, NY. We offer equestrian camps, horse boarding, and training for horse and rider.
Pets Plus Horse SuppliesGoshen, NY 10924
(845) 294-6264
petitgalop1@aol.comPetit Galop is located just one-hour from NYC in Goshen, NY. We offer equestrian camps, horse boarding, and training for horse and rider.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
- Horse Leasing Stables

Visit Pets Plus Horse Supplies' Facebook Page
Your one stop horse saddle and tack store. Horse saddles & tack for all riding disciplines such as endurance saddles, English, and western horse saddles. E-Z up stirrup swivels and extenders make mounting and riding easier on your knees. Dermafas natural veterinary cream can be used for a variety of skin ailments, including cuts, abrasions, ear plaque, rain rot, and more. For the human, we offer a variety of different styled Aussie Outback oilskin coats to keep you warm and dry.
P.O. Box 99
Ware Neck, VA 23178
Petticoat Junction Horse and Carriage sells and repairs new, used, and antique carriages and sleighs. Located in coastal Virginia and Vermont. Horses for sale: Percherons, American Warmbloods, and draft crosses. Percheron and draft cross stallion services. Carriage service for weddings, events, and special occasions.
Pewter Gift Horse, TheWare Neck, VA 23178
(804) 832-0454
carriage@sover.netPetticoat Junction Horse and Carriage sells and repairs new, used, and antique carriages and sleighs. Located in coastal Virginia and Vermont. Horses for sale: Percherons, American Warmbloods, and draft crosses. Percheron and draft cross stallion services. Carriage service for weddings, events, and special occasions.
- Percheron Horse Breeders and Stallions
- American Warmblood Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Carriages
- Carts, Carriages, Buggies and Sleighs

Visit Pewter Gift Horse, The's Facebook Page
4475 Traffic Way
Atascadero, CA 93422
(805) 440-3633
solfacpro@att.netGifts and horse show awards. Original equine designs in pewter. Jewelry, decorative accessories, wine and horse related tabletop items, and collectibles. Spanish horse, Arabian, pleasure horse, hunter/jumper, Mustang designs, and more. Custom logos and horseshow awards. Hand crafted in California.
224 Meadowland Dr
Blanchard, ID 83804
For horse and home. Choose the perfect equestrian saddle from our treeless Leather-Flex line. Match it up with Skito English or western pads and matching horse bridles from Kuda or Camden Gap. Hang them all on a Caballos Paso Fino for the ultimate trail or pleasure experience. Then decorate your home or stable with metal décor, hooks and hangers, or ranch signs.
Phantom Brook Farm, LLCBlanchard, ID 83804
(208) 437-0416
info@pflus.comFor horse and home. Choose the perfect equestrian saddle from our treeless Leather-Flex line. Match it up with Skito English or western pads and matching horse bridles from Kuda or Camden Gap. Hang them all on a Caballos Paso Fino for the ultimate trail or pleasure experience. Then decorate your home or stable with metal décor, hooks and hangers, or ranch signs.
203 Washburn Avenue
Washington, NJ 07882
Phantom Brook Farm is a full care equine facility specializing in assisted veterinary care and retirement. Owner/operator is a certified veterinary technician who specializes in post operative care, leg injuries, eye injuries, hand-walking, medication dosing, rehabilitation, and lay-ups for active and retired horses. All veterinary care issues are directed by either your own veterinarian or ours. Specialized retirement programs available to suit the unique needs of your horse. We also offer individualized care and observation programs for compromised but still active horses. We have 24 hour coverage and personal one on one care. Quality is our number one priority.
Washington, NJ 07882
(908) 689-4428
pbfarm203@comcast.netPhantom Brook Farm is a full care equine facility specializing in assisted veterinary care and retirement. Owner/operator is a certified veterinary technician who specializes in post operative care, leg injuries, eye injuries, hand-walking, medication dosing, rehabilitation, and lay-ups for active and retired horses. All veterinary care issues are directed by either your own veterinarian or ours. Specialized retirement programs available to suit the unique needs of your horse. We also offer individualized care and observation programs for compromised but still active horses. We have 24 hour coverage and personal one on one care. Quality is our number one priority.
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