North America Horse Directory
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Phara Farm Arabians
PO Box 123
Wallace, CA 95254
Annette Weber of Phara Farm has devoted her life to breeding Arabians of the finest quality in the image of the legendary stallion, "Lewisfield Sun God". Still going strong after 45+ years, Phara Farm is proof that classic elegance and extreme type never go out of style!
Pheasant Field Bed & BreakfastWallace, CA 95254
(209) 763-5221
pharafarm@caltel.comAnnette Weber of Phara Farm has devoted her life to breeding Arabians of the finest quality in the image of the legendary stallion, "Lewisfield Sun God". Still going strong after 45+ years, Phara Farm is proof that classic elegance and extreme type never go out of style!
150 Hickorytown Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Historic farmhouse located near Carlisle, PA. AAA approved lodging - eight rooms, some pet friendly. Overnight accommodations for equine guests. Easy access from I-81 or I-76. Equestrian Sports NetworkCarlisle, PA 17015
(717) 258-0717
stay@pheasantfield.comHistoric farmhouse located near Carlisle, PA. AAA approved lodging - eight rooms, some pet friendly. Overnight accommodations for equine guests. Easy access from I-81 or I-76.
13833 Wellington Trace
Unit E-4 #221
Wellington, FL 33414
A comprehensive equestrian news site with indepth articles, exciting videos and interviews, award-winning photography, and dozens of international correspondents covering events world-wide.
Philadelphia Area Horse SitterUnit E-4 #221
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 753-3389
customerservice@phelpssports.comA comprehensive equestrian news site with indepth articles, exciting videos and interviews, award-winning photography, and dozens of international correspondents covering events world-wide.
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Going away and need someone dependable to care for your horses? I do stalls, feed/hay, water, turn in/out, groom, and provide light exercise. I will check blankets and do what is needed to keep your horse(s) happy and comfortable.
Phillips Farm(856) 981-9097
moore.jamiemoore@gmail.comGoing away and need someone dependable to care for your horses? I do stalls, feed/hay, water, turn in/out, groom, and provide light exercise. I will check blankets and do what is needed to keep your horse(s) happy and comfortable.

Visit Phillips Farm's Facebook Page
560 RS CR 1691
Lone Oak, TX 75453
(903) 662-5087
info@phillipsfarm.comHome of Lakylu POA's.
Phillips Farm is located in northeast Texas approximately 50 miles NE of Dallas, Texas. We raise registered AQHA, APHA, and POA horses for pleasure and performance. Phillips Farm strives to provide the best quality horses in pedigree, disposition, and athletic ability. Great horses with trainable disposition and willingness to learn are very important to us. Home of POA stallions Santee Cortez & Santee Statesman, AQHA stallions Zippo Pine Bud & Whatamos, and AQHA/APHA/PtHA stallion Zippos Royal Spirit. Horses for sale.
- Paint Horse Farms
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Pony of the Americas Breeders and Stallions
Lakewood Farmingdale Rd
Howell, NJ 07731
Phoenix Farm is a full board facility located in Howell, NJ. Large stalls and turnout on our lush grass paddocks. When you're done riding in our beautiful outdoor ring, cool out on our racetrack or trails. We have an indoor wash stall with hot and cold water, wonderful caring staff, and 24-7 supervision for your equine friend! Professional trainers are here for all your needs! We specialize in off-the-track TB's and retraining the "problem horse". Our trainers have done it all, from winning at world's and congress to the level 7 jumpers. Lessons available at reasonable rates on one of our safe, reliable quality lesson horses or your own. Ship-in's welcome! Full, training, and consignment board available. We usually have a nice selection of quality horses for sale as well. Call Jill for more info at the number above.
Phoenix Farm, Inc.Howell, NJ 07731
(732) 567-5397
phoenixfarmnj@aol.comPhoenix Farm is a full board facility located in Howell, NJ. Large stalls and turnout on our lush grass paddocks. When you're done riding in our beautiful outdoor ring, cool out on our racetrack or trails. We have an indoor wash stall with hot and cold water, wonderful caring staff, and 24-7 supervision for your equine friend! Professional trainers are here for all your needs! We specialize in off-the-track TB's and retraining the "problem horse". Our trainers have done it all, from winning at world's and congress to the level 7 jumpers. Lessons available at reasonable rates on one of our safe, reliable quality lesson horses or your own. Ship-in's welcome! Full, training, and consignment board available. We usually have a nice selection of quality horses for sale as well. Call Jill for more info at the number above.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables

Visit Phoenix Farm, Inc.'s Facebook Page
8832 222nd St SE
Woodinville, WA 98077
(425) 486-9395
(206) 229-2711
phoenix_farm@hotmail.comA full service lesson, training, and horse sales barn.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
12641 N 23rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Phoenix AZ fence company specializing in residential and commercial fencing solutions including vinyl, aluminum, chain link, and wood fences.
Phoenix Horse FarmPhoenix, AZ 85022
(623) 321-3450
sales@fencephoenix.comPhoenix AZ fence company specializing in residential and commercial fencing solutions including vinyl, aluminum, chain link, and wood fences.

Visit Phoenix Horse Farm's Facebook Page
572 East Branch Road
Patterson, NY 12563
(203) 241-5082
(914) 234-4800
Phoenixhorsefarmny@gmail.conFull service hunter / jumper facility on 78 acres on the Putnam / Westchester County border. Head trainer Debbie McCarthy offers lessons, boarding, camps, shows, and sales. Flexible lesson packages and boarding - inquire with Peter at 203-241-5082 or email
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Transportation
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