North America Horse Directory
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Pond Hill Ranch Tack Shop
1683 Pond Hill Ranch Rd
Castleton, VT 05735
Pond-A-Luce-A StablesPondering Meadows FarmPonderosa RanchCastleton, VT 05735
(802) 468-2449
(802) 468-0578

Visit Ponderosa Ranch's Facebook Page
PO Box 472
Crawford, NE 69339
(308) 665-5973
kim@ponderosaranch.netNebraska working ranch & guest ranch. We offer guests the opportunity to be a cowboy for a day or a week: to ride and experience ranch life on a beautiful, timbered high-country Nebraska working cattle ranch. Tell us about your experiences and desires, and we will help you create the ranch vacation of your dreams!
Arizona Horses, horseback riding in South Mountain Park near Phoenix, Arizona, at Ponderosa Stables and South Mountain Park Stables.
Pony and
(732) 358-7555
sales@ponyandpals.comWe bring the pony and the zoo to you!
Has your child dreamed of having their own pony in their backyard? Have they wished that they could go to the petting zoo and visit the animals or have a baby petting zoo animal in their own backyard? Why not surprise them and make their dreams and wishes a reality for any reason with Pony and Pals. Pony and Pals will travel to you all year round. We bring the Pony and Pals to you.
Call 732-358-7555 to reserve your party!
We are located in Monmouth County and serve all of New Jersey and Staten Island.
Pony and Pals are a fantastic addition to birthday parties, company and business parties, fund raisers, nursing homes, theme parties, family reunions, or just for any reason you may want. We can dress our ponies up for certain events and holidays. We accommodate many different party needs and can fit almost any budget that needs to be met.
3828 South Emerson Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Pony of the Americas (POA) is an international organization comprised of more than 40 state clubs throughout the United States. POA is unique in that it is an equine organization devoted to the furtherment of youth riders.
Pony Paradise RidesIndianapolis, IN 46203
(317) 788-0107
poac@poac.orgPony of the Americas (POA) is an international organization comprised of more than 40 state clubs throughout the United States. POA is unique in that it is an equine organization devoted to the furtherment of youth riders.

Woodinview Stables
8107 224th St SE
Woodinville, WA 98072
(800) 753-PONY
info@ponyparadiserides.comWe have pony adventures for all ages! Our ponies and horses are child safe, and our staff is trained to provide a safe and fun experience for your child to learn and ride ponies! We take pride in our service, and work hard to make your pony experience as wonderful as possible!
Herd for hire! Pony parties or rides at our place or yours! We'd love to provide pony rides at your event!
Have tons of fun with our pony rides, pony parties, lessons, and camps!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Transportation
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Leasing Stables
Scott Depot, WV 25560
Will travel up to certain distances and bring one or two ponies or horses if needed, based on what the customer would want. These ponies are very gentle and have been in parades, carnivals, shows... you name it!
Pony Parties by Janet Menetrier(304) 419-0776
(304) 437-5125
KristinHamblin@comcast.netWill travel up to certain distances and bring one or two ponies or horses if needed, based on what the customer would want. These ponies are very gentle and have been in parades, carnivals, shows... you name it!
9439 Brighthaven Lane
Charlotte, NC 28214
Invite a pony or horse to your next special event. We specialize in providing hand led pony rides at your location - for any occasion. We party 7 days a week year round.
Charlotte, NC 28214
(980) 722-8607
janet@ponypartiescharlottenc.comInvite a pony or horse to your next special event. We specialize in providing hand led pony rides at your location - for any occasion. We party 7 days a week year round.
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