North America Horse Directory
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Purdue Intercollegiate Horsemanship Club - PIHCPurdue UniversityPure Thoughts Horse Rescue

Visit Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue's Facebook Page
4348 145th Ave
Loxahatchee, FL 33470
(561) 254-0415
(561) 951-2108
jennifer@purethoughtshorserescue.comPure Thoughts Inc. is a national, all-volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is dedicated to saving the lives of horses that are victims of starvation, neglect, or abuse or are bound for slaughter for human consumption. In 2009, Pure Thoughts expanded to include a Thoroughbred rehabilitation & placement program helping racehorses whose career has ended find placement in a forever home through rehabilitation and retraining. As of August 2011, this program has become international. Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue is one of the largest horse rescues in the USA, taking in over 1,500 horses since its inception in December of 2002.
1989 165th St
Manchester, IA 52057
Do you own purebred Arabian horses? Want to research your Arab's pedigree, but don't have time? I will trace your Arabian's lineage back to desert breds and further where possible. This generally takes about two weeks, and I am only asking $75.00 per pedigree. Polish, Crabbet, Egyptian - it doesn't matter. I will take the time to research your horse's pedigree as far back in time as possible. Horse's name, year of birth, color, and registration number (all where possible) will be included in research. I will list the horses alphabetically and by parentage. If there is anything else you would like included, please let me know and I will give you an estimate for extras. Please contact me via email. Type "PEDIGREE" in the subject line. Include in the email body your name, phone number, official name of your Arabian (include nickname if you like), gender of horse, year of birth, sire and dam names, and registration number.
Allow 2 weeks per pedigree. $75.00 per pedigree.
PVCstrip.comManchester, IA 52057
(563) 920-6649
loveisaliar@yahoo.comDo you own purebred Arabian horses? Want to research your Arab's pedigree, but don't have time? I will trace your Arabian's lineage back to desert breds and further where possible. This generally takes about two weeks, and I am only asking $75.00 per pedigree. Polish, Crabbet, Egyptian - it doesn't matter. I will take the time to research your horse's pedigree as far back in time as possible. Horse's name, year of birth, color, and registration number (all where possible) will be included in research. I will list the horses alphabetically and by parentage. If there is anything else you would like included, please let me know and I will give you an estimate for extras. Please contact me via email. Type "PEDIGREE" in the subject line. Include in the email body your name, phone number, official name of your Arabian (include nickname if you like), gender of horse, year of birth, sire and dam names, and registration number.
Allow 2 weeks per pedigree. $75.00 per pedigree.
Strip doors and strip curtains are clear, flexible doors and barriers that are most commonly installed in warehouses or freezers, but are also very useful for barns and stables. Strip doors help protect against temperature changes and insects, but are easy and safe for humans, horses, and many other animals to move through. Visit and find out how strip doors can help you take care of your animals.
Bayside Dressage is a local Chapter of the Potomac Valley Dressage Association (PVDA). We are located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and have members stretching from the Western Shore to Delaware. We host regular meetings, schooling shows, clinics, and other fun equine related activities throughout the year. All horse enthusiasts welcome! Please visit our website for more information.
Pyrografix DesignBayside Dressage is a local Chapter of the Potomac Valley Dressage Association (PVDA). We are located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and have members stretching from the Western Shore to Delaware. We host regular meetings, schooling shows, clinics, and other fun equine related activities throughout the year. All horse enthusiasts welcome! Please visit our website for more information.
Island Lake, IL 60042
Specializing in equine photography, videography, web design, web mastering, graphic design, and fine art.
Qu'Appelle Appaloosa Ranch(847) 532-1084
pyrografix@comcast.netSpecializing in equine photography, videography, web design, web mastering, graphic design, and fine art.
Box 277
Qu'Appelle SK S0G 4A0
Find Appaloosa horse pictures, pedigrees, horse information, and Appaloosa
horses for sale.
Quadriga QuarantineQu'Appelle SK S0G 4A0
(306) 699-2416
(306) 699-2481
sales@qar.caFind Appaloosa horse pictures, pedigrees, horse information, and Appaloosa
horses for sale.
#429, 3553 - 31 Street NW
Calgary AB T2L 2K7
Quarantine facility for import and export horses, located just minutes from Calgary International Airport. We offer a complete line of services related to shipping horses between Canada and Europe. Service in English and German.
Quail Haven FarmCalgary AB T2L 2K7
(403) 663-0451
info@QuadrigaQuarantine.caQuarantine facility for import and export horses, located just minutes from Calgary International Airport. We offer a complete line of services related to shipping horses between Canada and Europe. Service in English and German.
Located in beautiful Northern San Diego county, California, Quail Haven Farm offers professional hunter jumper riding lessons and training for student and horses of all ages and skill levels.
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