North America Horse Directory
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Quest Haven Farm, Inc.

Visit Quest Haven Farm, Inc.'s Facebook Page
3775 Grant Road
Grant, FL 32949
(321) 409-0847
carlene.caron@yahoo.com15 stall boarding stable located 15 miles south of Palm Bay, Florida. We have large turnouts and a large, well lit arena. The barn has ceiling fans, automatic waterers, and all stalls are 12 x 12 with mats. Very rural setting with easy access to trails.
35011 N 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85086
On Call 24 hours a day at 480-744-5999.
Compassionate pickup, removal, and disposal of deceased large animals. As horse owners ourselves, we completely understand this. Our goal is to provide you with help dealing with the practical issues surrounding these emotional times.
Quick Pickup AZ is fully licensed by the State of Arizona and works directly with vets and clinics statewide to handle the end-of-life needs of equines and other large animals.
We offer compassionate, respectful, and reliable solutions to an already stressful time.
Call 480-744-5999 and ask for Jim.
Quicksilver PoniesPhoenix, AZ 85086
(480) 744-5999
jim@quickpickupaz.comOn Call 24 hours a day at 480-744-5999.
Compassionate pickup, removal, and disposal of deceased large animals. As horse owners ourselves, we completely understand this. Our goal is to provide you with help dealing with the practical issues surrounding these emotional times.
Quick Pickup AZ is fully licensed by the State of Arizona and works directly with vets and clinics statewide to handle the end-of-life needs of equines and other large animals.
We offer compassionate, respectful, and reliable solutions to an already stressful time.
Call 480-744-5999 and ask for Jim.
1816 Charity Church Road
Huger, SC 29450
Quickstad Quarter HorsesHuger, SC 29450
(440) 487-7746 Welsh Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Horse Training Stables
12715 Eden Rd
Whitewood, SD 57793
Raising pretty horses that perform. Quickstad's versatile horses are proven in many arenas. Bloodlines include Stylish Rey, Colinel Wild Cutter, Little Freckles Cat and more.
Quiet Haven StablesQuiet Reach FarmWhitewood, SD 57793
(605) 347-6408
Raising pretty horses that perform. Quickstad's versatile horses are proven in many arenas. Bloodlines include Stylish Rey, Colinel Wild Cutter, Little Freckles Cat and more.
3260 Marsh Creek Rd
Howard, PA 16841
Quiet Reach Farm is privately owned on 194 acres in the country. We provide equine assisted activities for therapy and personal development. We are now accepting horses for retirement. We have a 40 acre pasture with a stream, trees, etc. plus smaller paddocks for $175.00 per month. Email or call Bobbi for further information.
Quiet Victory FarmHoward, PA 16841
(814) 625-2771
marshcriker@centurylink.netQuiet Reach Farm is privately owned on 194 acres in the country. We provide equine assisted activities for therapy and personal development. We are now accepting horses for retirement. We have a 40 acre pasture with a stream, trees, etc. plus smaller paddocks for $175.00 per month. Email or call Bobbi for further information.
7 McKonkey Way
Titusville, NJ 08560
Grand Opening July 2009! Full-service H/Eq show barn offering premium care, boarding, certified instruction & training.
Facilities include:
- indoor/outdoor arenas
- rubber Surefoot surface
- lounge
- show jumps
- beautiful center aisle barn
- lg matted stalls with run-out paddocks
- lg turnout pastures
Peaceful, private setting. Personalized attention. Program structured to your needs. Access to Washington Crossing State Park. Transport to shows. Trainer can ride ponies. Minutes from Yardley, Langhorne, New Hope, and Upper Makefield, PA. Call for a tour today!
Quigleys FarmTitusville, NJ 08560
(267) 337-0749
snafflevp@comcast.netGrand Opening July 2009! Full-service H/Eq show barn offering premium care, boarding, certified instruction & training.
Facilities include:
- indoor/outdoor arenas
- rubber Surefoot surface
- lounge
- show jumps
- beautiful center aisle barn
- lg matted stalls with run-out paddocks
- lg turnout pastures
Peaceful, private setting. Personalized attention. Program structured to your needs. Access to Washington Crossing State Park. Transport to shows. Trainer can ride ponies. Minutes from Yardley, Langhorne, New Hope, and Upper Makefield, PA. Call for a tour today!
Oxford, PA 19363
Quigleys Farm is perfect for the avid horse lover. We offer a pleasant quiet atmosphere that is relaxing for our two and four legged friends. We have several paddocks for turn out and have two barns with a total of 11 stalls. There is a spring fed stream running through the property and the grass is always lush and green. Surrounded by 100 acres of farmland, the view is spectacular. It is truly another world down in our valley. Come here and forget the outside world and spend quality time with your horse.
Quillin Leather & Tack(484) 467-6266
info@quigleysfarm.comQuigleys Farm is perfect for the avid horse lover. We offer a pleasant quiet atmosphere that is relaxing for our two and four legged friends. We have several paddocks for turn out and have two barns with a total of 11 stalls. There is a spring fed stream running through the property and the grass is always lush and green. Surrounded by 100 acres of farmland, the view is spectacular. It is truly another world down in our valley. Come here and forget the outside world and spend quality time with your horse.
1929 Main Street
Paris, KY 40361
Quillin Leather & Tack is one of Kentucky's largest custom leather shops that annually produces over 17,000 halters. Quillins is a family run business that began in 1982 and ships to clients all over the world. Belts, dog collars, and a full line of personal leathergoods are all made in their Main Street shop in Paris, Kentucky.
Paris, KY 40361
(800) 729-0592
(859) 987-0215
orders@quillin.comQuillin Leather & Tack is one of Kentucky's largest custom leather shops that annually produces over 17,000 halters. Quillins is a family run business that began in 1982 and ships to clients all over the world. Belts, dog collars, and a full line of personal leathergoods are all made in their Main Street shop in Paris, Kentucky.
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