North America Horse Directory
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R & R Stables
2050 Estates Parkway
Lucas, TX 75002
R & R Stables is located in Lucas, TX, just minutes from several of the trails at Lake Lavon as well as Bob Woodruff Park.
We offer:
2000 CM 2 horse bumper pull to rent (boarders only)
90' X 180' grass riding arena with lights
45' sand mix round pen with lights
plenty of parking for trailers at no additional charge
full care stall board $350/month
full care pasture board $250/month
stall or pasture partial and self care spots (call for price)
We feed Strategy pelleted horse feed and/or steamed crimped oats with fertilized coastal hay.
We have plenty of grass in our cross fenced pastures, as well as shade trees.
We now offer beginner riding lessons on our horses or yours. Rates are as follows: $35/hour for private lessons. We will cover basic horsemanship, safety, grooming, saddling, unsaddling, basic care, and first aid.
Feel free to call or come by!
April Robins
(Prices as of Sept 2009)
R-T Stables / Rudling-Tailleur StablesLucas, TX 75002
(972) 800-1267
(214) 662-3993
mrobins05@yahoo.comR & R Stables is located in Lucas, TX, just minutes from several of the trails at Lake Lavon as well as Bob Woodruff Park.
We offer:
2000 CM 2 horse bumper pull to rent (boarders only)
90' X 180' grass riding arena with lights
45' sand mix round pen with lights
plenty of parking for trailers at no additional charge
full care stall board $350/month
full care pasture board $250/month
stall or pasture partial and self care spots (call for price)
We feed Strategy pelleted horse feed and/or steamed crimped oats with fertilized coastal hay.
We have plenty of grass in our cross fenced pastures, as well as shade trees.
We now offer beginner riding lessons on our horses or yours. Rates are as follows: $35/hour for private lessons. We will cover basic horsemanship, safety, grooming, saddling, unsaddling, basic care, and first aid.
Feel free to call or come by!
April Robins
(Prices as of Sept 2009)
1267 Hwy 56
York ON N0A1R0
We are a quiet and friendly family run boarding stable. Our facility has 72 stalls (12x12 & 14x14 rubber matted), indoor horse bath stalls with hot/cold filtered water, a 1/2 mile track, an 80x100 indoor arena, a 100x160 sand arena, a horse walker, a round corral, lots of paddocks, trails, laundry, and a tack room.
R. & M. Speltz LLCYork ON N0A1R0
(905) 928-5663
chart1158@gmail.comWe are a quiet and friendly family run boarding stable. Our facility has 72 stalls (12x12 & 14x14 rubber matted), indoor horse bath stalls with hot/cold filtered water, a 1/2 mile track, an 80x100 indoor arena, a 100x160 sand arena, a horse walker, a round corral, lots of paddocks, trails, laundry, and a tack room.
1713 Rush Point Dr
Stanchfield, MN 55080
Molly Speltz - horse blanket repair, wash, and saddle/tack cleaning oiling.
Servicing the Twin Cities surrounding area, and we receive shipments from all over the USA. Drop off at the farm or call for pickup of four or more items.
R.A.E. Therapeutic Riding ProgramStanchfield, MN 55080
(651) 247-7386
www.rmspeltz.comMolly Speltz - horse blanket repair, wash, and saddle/tack cleaning oiling.
Servicing the Twin Cities surrounding area, and we receive shipments from all over the USA. Drop off at the farm or call for pickup of four or more items.
02361 Cty Rd P-50
Edon, OH 43518
The R.A.E. Therapeutic Riding Program offers typical and therapeutic riding lessons. Our instructor is NARHA certified, and although certified to teach individuals with various disabilities, Stephanie is particularly experienced when it comes to working with children with autism. She was employed as an instructor for children with autism for four years and has over ten years of horse related experience. The goal of the program is to keep a one on one student/instructor ratio to keep the interaction levels as high as possible. R.A.E. charges $16 for a half hour riding lesson (as of Sept 2010). Upon request, R.A.E. would be happy to send an information packet to your email or home address.
Email or call for more information.
R.C. & M.S. Lilley and Family Registered BelgiansR.C. Pony FarmR.I.D.E.S. - Riding to Improve Development, Esteem, Strength, and SpiritR.O.C.K. Ride On Center for KidsEdon, OH 43518
(419) 633-2283
(419) 459-4877
stephanietowers07@hotmail.comThe R.A.E. Therapeutic Riding Program offers typical and therapeutic riding lessons. Our instructor is NARHA certified, and although certified to teach individuals with various disabilities, Stephanie is particularly experienced when it comes to working with children with autism. She was employed as an instructor for children with autism for four years and has over ten years of horse related experience. The goal of the program is to keep a one on one student/instructor ratio to keep the interaction levels as high as possible. R.A.E. charges $16 for a half hour riding lesson (as of Sept 2010). Upon request, R.A.E. would be happy to send an information packet to your email or home address.
Email or call for more information.

Visit R.O.C.K. Ride On Center for Kids' Facebook Page
2050 CR 110
Georgetown, TX 78626
(512) 930-7625
500 Sherman St
Tioga, TX 76271
Quality APHA horses for sale.
Nation Wide horse transportation.
R9 Custom Horse CreationsTioga, TX 76271
(940) 437-5973
(503) 428-6048
rbequinetransport@msn.comQuality APHA horses for sale.
Nation Wide horse transportation.
, TX 78569
Wide variety of custom made saddle pads. Saddle pads to fit your unique style and attiude. 100's of prints and variety of styles.
Wide variety of custom made saddle pads. Saddle pads to fit your unique style and attiude. 100's of prints and variety of styles.
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