North America Horse Directory
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Rabbit Mountain Equestrian Center
7200 Rabbit Mountain Rd
Longmont, CO 80503
Full care boarding facility. Primarily for hunter/jumpers. All disciplines welcome. Hope of Mark Mead and Sleepy Hollow Farm (hunter/jumper training).
Daily turnout on irrigated pastures includes blanketing/unblanketing. Two daily feedings of excellent grass hay and grain. Fresh water always available.
Indoor and outdoor arenas provide year round riding.
Raccoon Valley Pony ClubRacine County Pony Club - RCPCRacing and Riding CollectiblesLongmont, CO 80503
(303) 772-3438
Full care boarding facility. Primarily for hunter/jumpers. All disciplines welcome. Hope of Mark Mead and Sleepy Hollow Farm (hunter/jumper training).
Daily turnout on irrigated pastures includes blanketing/unblanketing. Two daily feedings of excellent grass hay and grain. Fresh water always available.
Indoor and outdoor arenas provide year round riding.
POB 1272
Versailles, KY 40383
Old horse books, show & racing programs, horse art, statues, photography, paper ephemera such as postcards, promotional items, & brochures, and horse show & racing antiques & collectibles bought, sold, traded, and appraised. Arabian, Saddlebred, Thoroughbred, and Standardbred items and more!
Rackensack Pony ClubRacking Horse Breeders' Association of America - RHBAARadigan's PlaceVersailles, KY 40383
(859) 351-6075
caryn@racingandriding.comOld horse books, show & racing programs, horse art, statues, photography, paper ephemera such as postcards, promotional items, & brochures, and horse show & racing antiques & collectibles bought, sold, traded, and appraised. Arabian, Saddlebred, Thoroughbred, and Standardbred items and more!

Visit Radigan's Place's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 7972
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 280-0507
info@radigansplacve.comEquine Assisted Learning and therapy for at risk youth, their families, and returning veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We operate in Lake County, Illinois, at beautiful Brighton Farms. Please visit our website for full details on our programs and enrollment.
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