North America Horse Directory
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Ramapo Valley StablesRamblin Rose Ranch
(478) 962-3540
debby@bowensdesign.comMiniature horses for sale, foals, and Appaloosas.

Visit Ramblin' Ranch Vacation Horse Care's Facebook Page
3753 South Hooker Street
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 881-4958
(303) 513-4133
lindagwoolley@yahoo.comWe specialize in temporary ranch and horse sitting, from 4 days in Colorado to 3 months across the country. We have years of experience in horse and barn care, trailering to and from shows, and show set up.
We have experience in grooming, barn management, vet follow up, and training.
Call us anytime you need extra hands for general care or show help.

Visit RAMMfence's Facebook Page
13150 Airport Hwy
Swanton, OH 43558
(800) 434-8456
You'll find horse fencing, horse stalls, electric fences, PVC fence, and other equine products on RAMMfence offers High Tensile Wire, Protek and PVC fences.
P.O. Box 1846
Santa Ynez, CA 93460
Ramona Vicente Pony ClubRanch 4 SaisonsRanch at Kalaeloa, TheSanta Ynez, CA 93460
- Friesian Horse Farms and Stallions
- Lusitano Breeders and Stallions
- Andalusian Horse Farms
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
P.O. Box 75475
Kapolei, HI 96707
Horse boarding: $250.00 per month (as of Aug 2010); includes a.m. feeding (prepared and purchased by boarder). Western arena and round pen available.
Ranch HorsesKapolei, HI 96707
Horse boarding: $250.00 per month (as of Aug 2010); includes a.m. feeding (prepared and purchased by boarder). Western arena and round pen available.
215 Doc Medekle Lane
Monticello, KY 42633
We use our horses everyday in ranch related work.
Western Pleasure & Trail Riding.
Ranch Life PortraitsMonticello, KY 42633
(606) 348-0711
cowgirlbyfaith@windstream.netWe use our horses everyday in ranch related work.
Western Pleasure & Trail Riding.
Sacramento, CA 95821
Preserve your passion for family, horses, and countryside in an exquisite photographic portrait on canvas to hang over your fireplace. Families, seniors, barn groups, and stallions.
(916) 484-7525
contact@ranchlifeportraits.comPreserve your passion for family, horses, and countryside in an exquisite photographic portrait on canvas to hang over your fireplace. Families, seniors, barn groups, and stallions.
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