North America Horse Directory
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Randolph-Macon Woman's College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
Randolph College Athletics - WildCat Den - Riding.
Randy Cano Training StablesLynchburg, VA 24503
(434) 384-3231
jttallon@randolphcollege.eduRandolph College Athletics - WildCat Den - Riding.
- Equestrian Colleges
- Intercollegiate Teams and Organizations
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
Randy Cano Training Stables: Training, lessons and sales of
premier sporthorses. Located in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley.
Rangeview RanchRarity

Kalamazoo, MI 49009
We breed Zorses and Zonkeys. Offering a Grant Zebra stallion at stud. Frozen and cooled semen available.
425 Windy Hill Rd
York, SC 29745
Holistic nutrition products and education for all animals and people. Wellness consulting and Dynamite natural nutrition shipped to you. We can assist you wherever you live.
Rascal the PonyYork, SC 29745
(803) 684-2722
info@rasnaturals.comHolistic nutrition products and education for all animals and people. Wellness consulting and Dynamite natural nutrition shipped to you. We can assist you wherever you live.

Visit Rascal the Pony's Facebook Page
129 West Shore Rd
East Otis, MA 01029
(518) 256-5463
(413) 269-7428
rascalthepony@mail.comRascal the pony will travel to your special event and provide pony rides. Children and adults have the opportunity to pet and brush Rascal, and children under 80 lbs may have pony rides. Rascal is available for birthday parties and other special occasions.
Pony rides are also available at Rascal's home in East Otis, MA.
Rascal the Pony has been providing pony rides since 2006. I am professional, punctual, and always clean up any messes that might be left behind.
Rascal can arrive at your special event dressed in your color choices with ribbons and bows.
Rascal has participated in many therapeutic visits, including terminally ill children and nursing homes.

Visit Raven Child Ranch's Facebook Page
Raven Child Ranch
6652 Hwy 431 N
Springfield, TN 37172
(615) 384-9720
info@ravenchildranch.comAmidst 38 acres of rolling hills, traversed by a spring-fed creek, lies Raven Child Ranch. Nestled against the Kentucky border in Springfield, Tennessee, with easy access just off Hwy 431 and a 40 minute drive from Nashville, the ranch offers ideal location and pristine beauty for all your horse needs.
Owned and operated by husband and wife team Mark Boylan and Leah Marie King, Raven Child Ranch is a first class equine centre.
With over 20 years of experience with horses and over 15 years as a professional horse trainer and instructor, Leah moved to Tennessee from the Canadian Wild West - Calgary, Alberta. She learned from some of the best in the industry, adhering to the art of gentle but firm horsemanship, treating horses not as pets but as highly willing and sensitive herd animals.
From Yorkshire, England, Mark is General Manager of Raven Child Ranch as well as Leah's manager in the music industry. A Gulf War veteran, Mark was in the British Army for 12 years and has over 20 years of management experience. Mark runs everyday operations at the ranch and thrives while surrounded by his horses and Tennessee beauty.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
A first class equine boarding facility offering lessons, training, full care boarding and breeding service in Tucson, AZ
367 Doral Dr
Bismarck, AR 71929
Ravenswood is a full service private riding academy. Our show record put us in the top 25% of schools in the nation. 40+ years' solid teaching exp. over 750 show champions in regional to national levels. Masters degree in human and animal psychology. Specialize in working with folks who have had traumatic experiences with horses. Hunt seat fences or flat work, western (TX and Calif), and a therapeutic program. (I helped the AR Appaloosa Club develop the nation's first breed show equestrian competition for challenged riders.) I believe in horsemanship with intent... understanding what you are doing and why you are doing it. You will get a grounding in the language and psychology of the horse, selection, equipment, grooming, vet care, nutrition, and whatever else presents itself as a good learning opportunity. I am a coach you can talk to. Can't guarantee I'll have all the answers, but I'll probably know where to go look them up. Ride for fun, stress relief, and fitness. Polish your skills, get some new skills, and make friends. Our barn is like an extended family; all ages and all levels welcome.
Ravenwood FriesiansBismarck, AR 71929
(501) 865-3612
ravenswood@catc.netRavenswood is a full service private riding academy. Our show record put us in the top 25% of schools in the nation. 40+ years' solid teaching exp. over 750 show champions in regional to national levels. Masters degree in human and animal psychology. Specialize in working with folks who have had traumatic experiences with horses. Hunt seat fences or flat work, western (TX and Calif), and a therapeutic program. (I helped the AR Appaloosa Club develop the nation's first breed show equestrian competition for challenged riders.) I believe in horsemanship with intent... understanding what you are doing and why you are doing it. You will get a grounding in the language and psychology of the horse, selection, equipment, grooming, vet care, nutrition, and whatever else presents itself as a good learning opportunity. I am a coach you can talk to. Can't guarantee I'll have all the answers, but I'll probably know where to go look them up. Ride for fun, stress relief, and fitness. Polish your skills, get some new skills, and make friends. Our barn is like an extended family; all ages and all levels welcome.
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