North America Horse Directory
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Red Haute Horse
4 Dundas Circle
Greensboro, NC 27407
Red Haute Horse manufactures designer horse halters and leads. All of our products are made in the USA.
Red Hawk SporthorsesGreensboro, NC 27407
Red Haute Horse manufactures designer horse halters and leads. All of our products are made in the USA.
4945 Indian Peak Road
Mariposa, CA 95338
Sporthorses from weanlings to broodmares.
Red Horse Stables - RHSMariposa, CA 95338
(209) 966-7531
flyingphn@sti.netSporthorses from weanlings to broodmares.
2800 West Highway 5
Bowdon, GA 30108
Red Horse Stables is a premier dressage and eventing facility offering dressage and stadium arenas, a cross country course through Novice level, and several miles of rolling hills and trails. Several shows a season, along with summer/fall camps, clinics, and lessons are available.
Red Hot Quarter HorsesBowdon, GA 30108
(770) 258-0444
www.redhorsestables.comRed Horse Stables is a premier dressage and eventing facility offering dressage and stadium arenas, a cross country course through Novice level, and several miles of rolling hills and trails. Several shows a season, along with summer/fall camps, clinics, and lessons are available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Dressage Stables
- Eventing Stables
- Laundry and/or Repair
- Horse Training Stables
9070 Hwy 63 South
Alexander City, AL 35010
Home of Red Hot Impulse.
Red Lodge Guest RanchAlexander City, AL 35010
(256) 794-8075
Merryc@charter.netHome of Red Hot Impulse.
Let us show you some Western Hospitality. Come visit our ranch in the natural beauty of Alberta, Western Canada.
Red Mile, TheRed Mountain
732 N 82nd Street
Mesa, AZ 85207
Boarding, breeding, lessons, training, sales, and reproductive facility. Complete care for horse & rider.
Red Oak FarmMesa, AZ 85207
(602) 679-7299
(480) 354-6773
parkhorse_@msn.comBoarding, breeding, lessons, training, sales, and reproductive facility. Complete care for horse & rider.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Breeding Services

Visit Red Oak Farm's Facebook Page
557 Pleasant Plains Rd
Stirling, NJ 07980
(908) 647-0971
redoakfarmnj@gmail.comWe operate in a safe and enjoyable facility. Located just minutes from Rt. 78 & Rt. 287 in Morris County, our farm of 40 stables has a variety of horses and ponies to accommodate your needs and help develop your riding skills. Offering private, semi-private & group lessons, lease options, and sale horses. We have "something for everyone" here at Red Oak Farm. For more information, please call or email us.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Leasing Stables

Visit Red Pegasus Ranch's Facebook Page
3620 E US 40 Highway
Brazil, IN 47834
(812) 446-0502
redpegasusranch@hotmail.comRed Pegasus Ranch is hunter jumper facility located in west central Indiana. We specialize in breeding, raising, and training colored sport horses. We actively show with the Indiana Hunter Jumper Association.
- Pinto Breeders and Stallions
- Oldenburg Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
N6669 Cherry Road
Shawano, WI 54166
Non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization offering therapeutic horseback riding to the disabled in Shawano and surrounding counties.
Shawano, WI 54166
(715) 526-6400
cmbaldwin@frontiernet.netNon-profit 501 (c)(3) organization offering therapeutic horseback riding to the disabled in Shawano and surrounding counties.
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