North America Horse Directory
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Redstone Supply

Visit Redstone Supply's Facebook Page
2270 US Route 30
Oswego, IL 60543
(815) 797-9636
sales@redstonesupply.comRedstone Supply does business selling horse fencing and related products all across the country; catering to ranchers, farmers, and other horse/livestock owners.

Visit Reece Center for Handicapped Horsemanship, The's Facebook Page
8280 Wilkerson Mill Road
Palmetto, GA 30268
(678) 423-1734
710 State Hwy 32
Bismarck, MO 63624
AQHA/APHA cutting-reining ranch horses in Bismarck, Missouri. Please visit our website for current information.
Refuge RanchBismarck, MO 63624
(573) 518-1140
(573) 760-5001
refinedequine@yahoo.comAQHA/APHA cutting-reining ranch horses in Bismarck, Missouri. Please visit our website for current information.
3845 Delay Rd
Pawnee, IL 62558
Refuge Ranch is a non-profit organization in central Illinois which pairs at-risk children in our mentored horsemanship program, involving them in the rehabilitation and adoption process of our rescued horses.
Regency Show StablesRegional Equine & Agricultural Centre of Huron, The - REACH HuronPawnee, IL 62558
Refuge Ranch is a non-profit organization in central Illinois which pairs at-risk children in our mentored horsemanship program, involving them in the rehabilitation and adoption process of our rescued horses.
- Horse Rescue Organizations
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Christian Community
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
PO Box 248
169 Beech Street
Clinton ON N0M1L0
The Regional Equine & Agricultural Centre of Huron Inc. is operated as a non-profit corporation. The Centre functions as a "motel for education", offering innovative programming as well as recreational activities to support both the equine and agricultural industries.
The Centre is located in Clinton, Ontario, the heart of Huron County, 78 km north of London, 97 km west of Kitchener, and close to the intersection of Provincial Highways 4 & 8.
The Centre supports the large animal sector industries. Within a one hour drive of the Centre there are:
• 123,000 horses, representing 32% of Ontario's horse population
• 316,000 beef cattle, representing 48% of Ontario's beef population
• 261,000 dairy cattle, representing 47% of Ontario's dairy population
• 139,000 sheep, representing 44% of Ontario's sheep population
• 2,950,000 pigs, representing 79% of Ontario's swine population
ReHorse Rescue Ranch169 Beech Street
Clinton ON N0M1L0
(519) 482-3998
info@reachhuron.caThe Regional Equine & Agricultural Centre of Huron Inc. is operated as a non-profit corporation. The Centre functions as a "motel for education", offering innovative programming as well as recreational activities to support both the equine and agricultural industries.
The Centre is located in Clinton, Ontario, the heart of Huron County, 78 km north of London, 97 km west of Kitchener, and close to the intersection of Provincial Highways 4 & 8.
The Centre supports the large animal sector industries. Within a one hour drive of the Centre there are:
• 123,000 horses, representing 32% of Ontario's horse population
• 316,000 beef cattle, representing 48% of Ontario's beef population
• 261,000 dairy cattle, representing 47% of Ontario's dairy population
• 139,000 sheep, representing 44% of Ontario's sheep population
• 2,950,000 pigs, representing 79% of Ontario's swine population
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Event Facilities
- Breeding Services
P.O. Box 494
Jamestown, CA 95327
Equine rescue facility located in Jamestown, CA. ReHorse is a 501c3, accepts donations, and has many wonderful horses available for adoption and sponsorship. Help a local rescue horse and rescue today!
Rein & ShineJamestown, CA 95327
(209) 337-5886
contact@rehorserescue.orgEquine rescue facility located in Jamestown, CA. ReHorse is a 501c3, accepts donations, and has many wonderful horses available for adoption and sponsorship. Help a local rescue horse and rescue today!

Visit Rein & Shine's Facebook Page
5220 Bedaw Farm Drive
Awendaw, SC 29429
(843) 849-0964
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