North America Horse Directory
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Renaissance Farm, LLC.
196 Wolfe Branch Road
Bulls Gap, TN 37711
Lusitanos, warmbloods & more. Horses for sale. Lessons for all ages, levels and disciplines including: dressage, jumping, western, vaulting, driving, trail, pleasure riding, and therapeutic riding for people with disabilities or other special nee
Renaissance RanchBulls Gap, TN 37711
(423) 235-9746
mblackstone@renaissancefarmtn.comLusitanos, warmbloods & more. Horses for sale. Lessons for all ages, levels and disciplines including: dressage, jumping, western, vaulting, driving, trail, pleasure riding, and therapeutic riding for people with disabilities or other special nee
- Lusitano Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
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- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
Renaissance Ranch is an equestrian riding facility where people of all ages can learn to ride in Santa Cruz, CA. We board horses, train horses and teach riding with a focus on dressage and combined training.
Rendezvous Run Farm,
806 Alexander Spring Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Sport horse training and care. 13 acres of Pennsylvania meadow, hills, and streams with renovated historic barn, dressage and showjumping ring, and starter cross country course. Lessons, training, and overnight care available. Other services also available.
Renegade Dressage - One Stall at Small Exclusive Stable with Grand Prix TrainerCarlisle, PA 17015
(717) 254-6448
rendezvousrunfarm@hotmail.comSport horse training and care. 13 acres of Pennsylvania meadow, hills, and streams with renovated historic barn, dressage and showjumping ring, and starter cross country course. Lessons, training, and overnight care available. Other services also available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding

Visit Renegade Dressage - One Stall at Small Exclusive Stable with Grand Prix Trainer's Facebook Page
1718 Bean Oller Road
Delaware, OH 43015
(614) 395-4215
kimcornell@aol.comOpening for one stall at private beautiful barn in Powell, Ohio, open July 1st
Delaware, OH (43015)
Opportunity has opened up for one of six stalls and training at small private barn in Powell, Ohio, with Grand Prix Dressage trainer. Beautiful indoor arena; outdoor arena. Incredible care and tribute feed; daily turn out. No drama; just a small beautiful facility with 5 other riders (4 dressage / one jumper), incredible training and care. Chiropractor, massage therapy, and farrier scheduled regularly, or use your own. $750 board plus training. For interview/questions email:
280 Hwy 434
Ten Sleep, WY 82442
Renegade Rides' point to point rides afford plenty of opportunity for spirited but safe riding, including horse drives. We also have cattle drives and rodeo rides which can accommodate riding groups with a mixture of skills and experience.
Renegade® Hoof BootsTen Sleep, WY 82442
(307) 366-2689
Renegade Rides' point to point rides afford plenty of opportunity for spirited but safe riding, including horse drives. We also have cattle drives and rodeo rides which can accommodate riding groups with a mixture of skills and experience.
11361 North Classical Drive
Kingman, AZ 86401
The Renegade Hoof Boot® is a highly-developed hoof boot for the barefoot performance horse designed to be easy to apply and easy to remove, yet stay secure even through the most rugged conditions and grueling tasks. The movable heel captivator design accommodates and supports the bio-mechanics of the hoof and leg structure, allowing for natural flexion of both the hoof and the pastern. The boot is comprised of a high-tech polymer compound that is extremely durable and designed to provide grip and traction on a variety of surfaces. It is designed to fit a hoof trimmed in a natural barefoot style, featuring a short toe, low heels, and mustang roll on the wall. The Renegade® is ideal for high-performance equine sports. They're extremely popular with endurance riders and trail riders, and are also being used with success in a variety of other disciplines. They are available in seven sizes and eight different colors. Renegades are proudly made in the USA.
Rensselaer Equestrian TeamRES Equine Products Inc.Kingman, AZ 86401
(888) 817-4794
sales@renegadehoofboots.comThe Renegade Hoof Boot® is a highly-developed hoof boot for the barefoot performance horse designed to be easy to apply and easy to remove, yet stay secure even through the most rugged conditions and grueling tasks. The movable heel captivator design accommodates and supports the bio-mechanics of the hoof and leg structure, allowing for natural flexion of both the hoof and the pastern. The boot is comprised of a high-tech polymer compound that is extremely durable and designed to provide grip and traction on a variety of surfaces. It is designed to fit a hoof trimmed in a natural barefoot style, featuring a short toe, low heels, and mustang roll on the wall. The Renegade® is ideal for high-performance equine sports. They're extremely popular with endurance riders and trail riders, and are also being used with success in a variety of other disciplines. They are available in seven sizes and eight different colors. Renegades are proudly made in the USA.

Visit RES Equine Products Inc.'s Facebook Page
1440 NW 87th Street
Redmond, OR 97756
(541) 604-1919
jamie@resboot.comThe newest innovative bell boots with REPLACEABLE VELCRO! Many colored velcro straps to choose from; replace the velcro, not the boot! Are you tired of paying to much for a new pair of boots when the velcro wears out? Go with RES and have a new pair of boots for pennies on the dollar. Check out our newest sport boots in 4 colors. Orders can be placed on our website.
17555 Old Evans Rd
Schertz, TX 78154
Retama Equine Hospital is a 100% equine veterinary facility providing services in medicine, surgery, and reproduction. Our goal is to improve the health and welfare of the horse and to provide the highest quality of veterinary medicine and exceptional service to our clients.
Retama ParkSchertz, TX 78154
(210) 651-6375
Retamaequine@aol.comRetama Equine Hospital is a 100% equine veterinary facility providing services in medicine, surgery, and reproduction. Our goal is to improve the health and welfare of the horse and to provide the highest quality of veterinary medicine and exceptional service to our clients.

Visit Retama Park's Facebook Page
1 Retama Parkway
Schertz, TX 78154
(210) 651-7000
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