North America Horse Directory
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Lindinhof Equine Sports Zentrum
4246 Schneider Drive
Oregon, WI 53575
Lindinhof Equine Sports Zentrum offers quality training for horses in dressage as well as promoting sale horses. Monthly training includes feed/hay, daily stall cleaning, turnout, training 5 days a week, leg and tendon care, and solarium. We specialize in starting horses as well as fine tuning competition horses. Lindinhof also offers services in helping individuals sell their horses. Please contact Lindinhof for more information!
Megan McIsaac is Lindinhof's head trainer. She is a USDF Silver and Bronze Medalist and is currently enrolled in the USDF Trainers Certification & 'L' judges programs. Megan likes to work with all types of horses and riders and enjoys helping riders find horses that enable them to follow their dreams. Megan and her horse 'No Doubt' competed successfully at Dressage at Devon in 2007. They placed 11th in the I-1 and qualified for the Freestyle. They were also WDCTA’s Grand Champions at PSG & I-1 levels.
Lindsey FarmsLink-n-Wood Fence Co.Oregon, WI 53575
(608) 445-8531
Lindinhof1@aol.comLindinhof Equine Sports Zentrum offers quality training for horses in dressage as well as promoting sale horses. Monthly training includes feed/hay, daily stall cleaning, turnout, training 5 days a week, leg and tendon care, and solarium. We specialize in starting horses as well as fine tuning competition horses. Lindinhof also offers services in helping individuals sell their horses. Please contact Lindinhof for more information!
Megan McIsaac is Lindinhof's head trainer. She is a USDF Silver and Bronze Medalist and is currently enrolled in the USDF Trainers Certification & 'L' judges programs. Megan likes to work with all types of horses and riders and enjoys helping riders find horses that enable them to follow their dreams. Megan and her horse 'No Doubt' competed successfully at Dressage at Devon in 2007. They placed 11th in the I-1 and qualified for the Freestyle. They were also WDCTA’s Grand Champions at PSG & I-1 levels.
264 S Lake St
Grayslake, IL 60030
Link-n-Wood Fence Co. provides options for horse fences. We also carry Ameristar's maintenance free Ranch440 line. We serve Lake County and surrounding areas. We offer quality materials at affordable prices. Equine Web DesignGrayslake, IL 60030
(847) 223-2101
linknwoodfence@yahoo.comLink-n-Wood Fence Co. provides options for horse fences. We also carry Ameristar's maintenance free Ranch440 line. We serve Lake County and surrounding areas. We offer quality materials at affordable prices.
4685 Upson Downs Road
Newcastle, CA 95658
Barbara Plescia, a personal web designer creates webites, offers webhosting services and paints floral, ocean and custom equine portraits. Located in the rolling hills of Placer Co.
Linn County Fair & Expo CenterLitchfield Hills Vaulting LLC, TheNewcastle, CA 95658
(916) 408-2628
barbplescia@aol.comBarbara Plescia, a personal web designer creates webites, offers webhosting services and paints floral, ocean and custom equine portraits. Located in the rolling hills of Placer Co.
67 Fritz Road
Colebrook, CT 06021
Vaulting lessons at Lee's Riding Stable in Litchfield. Please visit our website for more information!
Little America Miniature HorsesLittle Bit Therapeutic RidingLittle Brook FarmLiverystable.netColebrook, CT 06021
(860) 379-2629
(860) 309-2263
ksoto737@gmail.comVaulting lessons at Lee's Riding Stable in Litchfield. Please visit our website for more information!
PO Box 89
Elliott, IA 51532 has horses for sale, stallions at stud, a horse-talk forum, and horse training advice. Offers free text ads and reasonable photo ads.
Elliott, IA 51532
(712) 767-2269 has horses for sale, stallions at stud, a horse-talk forum, and horse training advice. Offers free text ads and reasonable photo ads.
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