North America Horse Directory
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Michael Piccirillo, Architect
368 East Main Street
Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Michael Piccirillo has twenty years experience working in commercial and residential architecture. In his career, he has contributed to large commercial projects for private companies and government agencies, small commercial projects and retail spaces, religious buildings and hotels, and high end residential new homes and renovations.
In 2000, Michael Piccirillo began his own full service architectural firm with the focus on high quality design, making the most out of the budget and use of green materials whenever possible.
Since starting the company, he has completed designs for a Horse arena, Barns, several small commercial projects, retail spaces, and high quality custom homes. Michael Piccirillo Architect employs a staff of junior architects, draftsman, and interior designers.
Our area covers all of Westchester and Putnam Counties. We especially are focused in South Salem, Bedford, Waccabuc, Somers, Chappaqua, Armonk and Pleasantville.
Michele Scott, AuthorShrub Oak, NY 10588
(914) 368-9838
michael@mpiccirilloarchitect.comMichael Piccirillo has twenty years experience working in commercial and residential architecture. In his career, he has contributed to large commercial projects for private companies and government agencies, small commercial projects and retail spaces, religious buildings and hotels, and high end residential new homes and renovations.
In 2000, Michael Piccirillo began his own full service architectural firm with the focus on high quality design, making the most out of the budget and use of green materials whenever possible.
Since starting the company, he has completed designs for a Horse arena, Barns, several small commercial projects, retail spaces, and high quality custom homes. Michael Piccirillo Architect employs a staff of junior architects, draftsman, and interior designers.
Our area covers all of Westchester and Putnam Counties. We especially are focused in South Salem, Bedford, Waccabuc, Somers, Chappaqua, Armonk and Pleasantville.
Michele Scott is both a long time writer/author, as well as an equestrian. For over fifteen years, along with her maintaining a writing career, she has worked for her family's business, Professional's Choice Sports Medicine Inc. Professional's Choice is a leader in sports medicine products for equine athletes and their riders. Michele frequently works and attends major horse shows across the country, marketing and selling products for the family business. She has written two successful mystery series, the popular Horse Lover's Mysteries and the Wine Lover's Mysteries.
Our mission is to provide the Michigan Horse community with the most comprehensive online horse directory available.
Mid-America Combined Training Association - MACTAMid-America Saddlebred Horse Club - MASHCMidnight Capp O' CinoMidwest Horse Welfare Foundation,
10990 Highway 73
Pittsville, WI 54466
Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity dedicated to providing qualified homes for any horse in need. It is our goal to make certain that every horse placed in our care is provided with all the necessary ingredients for a safe and happy life, and that it is also protected from those who would do it harm.
Each horse placed in our care will receive our full efforts to ensure that it never ends up in the auction ring or on the slaughterhouse floor. We promise to do our best to provide only the best homes with dedicated families for every animal we place.
The horses that come to us come for many reasons and each horse has its own story. They all have one thing in common, they need a loving and caring home. Our rules and policies are the accumulation of years of experience and planning. We are looking for good people with big hearts willing to share their lives with a horse who needs their help.
Mikarma FarmPittsville, WI 54466
(715) 884-2215
scott@equineadoption.comMidwest Horse Welfare Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity dedicated to providing qualified homes for any horse in need. It is our goal to make certain that every horse placed in our care is provided with all the necessary ingredients for a safe and happy life, and that it is also protected from those who would do it harm.
Each horse placed in our care will receive our full efforts to ensure that it never ends up in the auction ring or on the slaughterhouse floor. We promise to do our best to provide only the best homes with dedicated families for every animal we place.
The horses that come to us come for many reasons and each horse has its own story. They all have one thing in common, they need a loving and caring home. Our rules and policies are the accumulation of years of experience and planning. We are looking for good people with big hearts willing to share their lives with a horse who needs their help.
Red Rock, TX 78662
Raising naturally-gaited, people-loving Missouri Fox Trotters. Standing Color Master, a homozygous black, homozygous sabino stallion. Young stock for sale. Visitors welcome.
Mile High Ranch Saddle Outfitters(512) 484-2915
(512) 332-0804
mikarma@earthlink.netRaising naturally-gaited, people-loving Missouri Fox Trotters. Standing Color Master, a homozygous black, homozygous sabino stallion. Young stock for sale. Visitors welcome.
PO Box 925
Corvallis, MT 59828
5 Star 100% wool saddle pads, cinches, and custom Timberline saddles. Specialized saddles. Pendelton saddle pads and STI breakaway stirrups.
Mill Creek Pony ClubCorvallis, MT 59828
(406) 961-1363
lisa@saddleoutfitters.com5 Star 100% wool saddle pads, cinches, and custom Timberline saddles. Specialized saddles. Pendelton saddle pads and STI breakaway stirrups.
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