North America Horse Directory
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Morales Feed & Supply
19743 IH 35 South
Lytle, TX 78052
Southern Texas quality hay, feed, and supplies for over 25 yrs. We deliver! Coastal 3x3x8 bales, Purina horse feeds, saddles, a full line of tack, and a large selection of animal health products.
Moran Equine PhotographyLytle, TX 78052
(830) 772-3616
(830) 709-5002
moralesind@hotmail.comSouthern Texas quality hay, feed, and supplies for over 25 yrs. We deliver! Coastal 3x3x8 bales, Purina horse feeds, saddles, a full line of tack, and a large selection of animal health products.
Farm photo shoots, stallion advertising, and stock photography.
Mosefund FarmFarm photo shoots, stallion advertising, and stock photography.
315 Mattison Reservoir Avenue
Branchville, NJ 07826
Situated along the Stokes State Forest, only 1 hour from NYC, and 10 minutes from the State Fairgrounds in Sussex County, Mosefund Farm offers serene panoramas to the southeast, numerous grass pastures and a well-maintained private trail system that connects with the 40 miles of trails of the Stokes Forest. Mosefund Farm is a graciously appointed equestrian facility in Northwest NJ, offering full board and highly structured riding instruction.
80X 200 indoor arena with heated viewing room and dust free footing, lighted outdoor arena, heated lounge with bathroom, multiple wash stalls, tack room, grass pasture, private trail, and much more.
Mosefund Farm has several school horses ranging from beginner to advanced jumping. We welcome first time riders, riders getting back after taking a break from riding, riders wishing to learn basic horsemanship, or riders who are serious about fine tuning their technique. We offer private or semi-private lessons for ½ hour or full hour.
Mother's Organics Inc.Branchville, NJ 07826
info@mosefundfarm.comSituated along the Stokes State Forest, only 1 hour from NYC, and 10 minutes from the State Fairgrounds in Sussex County, Mosefund Farm offers serene panoramas to the southeast, numerous grass pastures and a well-maintained private trail system that connects with the 40 miles of trails of the Stokes Forest. Mosefund Farm is a graciously appointed equestrian facility in Northwest NJ, offering full board and highly structured riding instruction.
80X 200 indoor arena with heated viewing room and dust free footing, lighted outdoor arena, heated lounge with bathroom, multiple wash stalls, tack room, grass pasture, private trail, and much more.
Mosefund Farm has several school horses ranging from beginner to advanced jumping. We welcome first time riders, riders getting back after taking a break from riding, riders wishing to learn basic horsemanship, or riders who are serious about fine tuning their technique. We offer private or semi-private lessons for ½ hour or full hour.
(813) 628-0600
info@mothersoganics.comWe take in manure and sell a variety of animal bedding.
15126 US 12
Brooklyn, MI 49230
Breeding classic type Morgan Horses.
Mountain View Equine Hospital - MVEHMRC StablesBrooklyn, MI 49230
(517) 592-8761
mtntopmorgans@frontiernet.netBreeding classic type Morgan Horses.
10817 Sperry Road
Kirtland, OH 44094
Lease a stall at MRC Stables.
**two stalls open as of 9-1-15**
You and your horse will experience:
- Safe, non competitive horsemnship
- Extremely reasonable rates
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week detailed attention
- Quality, on time feeding: 4 times a day + pasture, 365 days a year
- Daily turn out: all weather paddock, arena turnout for in-clement
- Walk to beautiful trails: Lake Metroparks, Holden Arboretum, & EBTA
- Friendly, family, non-competitive atmosphere; club opportunities
- Two on-site qualified trainers / coaches with decades of experience
- Daily stall cleaning
- Indoor / outdoor arenas
- Consistency; owners / operators
- Stable Boarders: very little turnover, experience why horses and friends stay here
- Great horses available to lease & for lessons
- Summer and holiday camps, dates on website
MRZ FarmsKirtland, OH 44094
(440) 478-8415
mrcstables@roadrunner.comLease a stall at MRC Stables.
**two stalls open as of 9-1-15**
You and your horse will experience:
- Safe, non competitive horsemnship
- Extremely reasonable rates
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week detailed attention
- Quality, on time feeding: 4 times a day + pasture, 365 days a year
- Daily turn out: all weather paddock, arena turnout for in-clement
- Walk to beautiful trails: Lake Metroparks, Holden Arboretum, & EBTA
- Friendly, family, non-competitive atmosphere; club opportunities
- Two on-site qualified trainers / coaches with decades of experience
- Daily stall cleaning
- Indoor / outdoor arenas
- Consistency; owners / operators
- Stable Boarders: very little turnover, experience why horses and friends stay here
- Great horses available to lease & for lessons
- Summer and holiday camps, dates on website
12308 Hy 4
Cosmos, MN 56228
Equine Dental Services provides non-veterinarian dental care to all types of equine thru routine periodic dental exams, maintenance, and whole mouth equilibration that starts at the incisors and follows thru to the last molar. I obtained Certified Equine Gnathologist status through the Equine Gnathology Training Institute, Glens Ferry, ID and am a certified Equine Teeth Floater through the state of Minnesota. I use only hand floats--no power tools--and have tools and speculums for large and miniature horses. References available upon request.
Muscatine Community CollegeCosmos, MN 56228
(320) 583-7636
mrzfarms@frontiernet.netEquine Dental Services provides non-veterinarian dental care to all types of equine thru routine periodic dental exams, maintenance, and whole mouth equilibration that starts at the incisors and follows thru to the last molar. I obtained Certified Equine Gnathologist status through the Equine Gnathology Training Institute, Glens Ferry, ID and am a certified Equine Teeth Floater through the state of Minnesota. I use only hand floats--no power tools--and have tools and speculums for large and miniature horses. References available upon request.
Equine Science Certification at Muscatine Community College is a diverse and comprehensive program with something for every horse enthusiast - from the weekend equestrian to the person serious about a career in the horse industry.
Music City Riding
13905 Old Hickory Blvd
Antioch, TN 37013
Summer camp, lessons, and boarding. Family orientated facility with an emphasis on the amateur rider. We are on 144 acres in southeast Nashville. Electronic security, 4 round pens, 150 x 200 arena wash racks, tack rooms, etc.
Antioch, TN 37013
(615) 495-7346
nashfad@aol.comSummer camp, lessons, and boarding. Family orientated facility with an emphasis on the amateur rider. We are on 144 acres in southeast Nashville. Electronic security, 4 round pens, 150 x 200 arena wash racks, tack rooms, etc.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Dressage Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
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