North America Horse Directory
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NBW, LLC Horse Farm Services
5151 Hwy 7
Lester Prairie, MN 55354
We are a family owned, full service contractor offering a wide variety of services. We serve the greater Twin Cities metro area. Our services include fence installation, pasture renewal, licensed manure removal, grading, excavating, arena construction, and paddock / dry lot reconstruction. Give us a call today for your free consultation and estimate. Joe & Holly Neaton.
NE Horse TrainingLester Prairie, MN 55354
(320) 395-2891
sales@horsefarmservices.comWe are a family owned, full service contractor offering a wide variety of services. We serve the greater Twin Cities metro area. Our services include fence installation, pasture renewal, licensed manure removal, grading, excavating, arena construction, and paddock / dry lot reconstruction. Give us a call today for your free consultation and estimate. Joe & Holly Neaton.
Conway, AR 72034
We specialize in natural horsemanship training to insure gentle, permanent results with no adverse affects on attitude or disposition. We have incorporated the training principles of John Lyons, Monty Roberts, Pat Parelli, and other noted trainers to enable us to use the most appropriate training techniques for each individual horse.
We base our training upon trust & respect and strive to make your horse's training experience as comfortable and stress free as possible. Because each horse is an individual, we do not adhere to a strict schedule. We have found that the best training progress is made when a horse is permitted to learn at its own pace. A strict training schedule would hold back those horses that learn quickly and rush horses that learn more slowly, causing stress and distraction. Your horse's safety and well being are always our highest priority.
Needville Horseback Riding(501) 908-9347
nehorsetraining@gmail.comWe specialize in natural horsemanship training to insure gentle, permanent results with no adverse affects on attitude or disposition. We have incorporated the training principles of John Lyons, Monty Roberts, Pat Parelli, and other noted trainers to enable us to use the most appropriate training techniques for each individual horse.
We base our training upon trust & respect and strive to make your horse's training experience as comfortable and stress free as possible. Because each horse is an individual, we do not adhere to a strict schedule. We have found that the best training progress is made when a horse is permitted to learn at its own pace. A strict training schedule would hold back those horses that learn quickly and rush horses that learn more slowly, causing stress and distraction. Your horse's safety and well being are always our highest priority.
9430 oberrender rd
Needville, TX 77461
Needville Horse Riding.We offer lessons, boarding, training, and camps. Whether you are looking to have fun and get a real sense of horsemanship or start attending horse shows, Needville Horse Riding can assist your sports are an exciting and fulfilling way to get exercise and have a great time outside!br/br/Shed the stress and worry of everyday life and enjoy a fantastic time. Contact Needville Horse Riding Horseback Riding offers lessons to children and adults. We have certified, experienced trainers. The facility offers 3 arenas including a covered arena. We also have lesson horses, so clients who do not own their own can still enjoy the br/Birthday parties can be arranged at the stables.
Nevis Equestrian CentreNeedville, TX 77461
(301) 646-3200
Needvillehorse@gmail.comNeedville Horse Riding.We offer lessons, boarding, training, and camps. Whether you are looking to have fun and get a real sense of horsemanship or start attending horse shows, Needville Horse Riding can assist your sports are an exciting and fulfilling way to get exercise and have a great time outside!br/br/Shed the stress and worry of everyday life and enjoy a fantastic time. Contact Needville Horse Riding Horseback Riding offers lessons to children and adults. We have certified, experienced trainers. The facility offers 3 arenas including a covered arena. We also have lesson horses, so clients who do not own their own can still enjoy the br/Birthday parties can be arranged at the stables.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
(869) 662-9118
info@nevishorseback.comFeel like riding a horse on while on Nevis? If so, then the Nevis Equestrian is the place.
412 Brookhaven Rd
Statesville, NC 28625
New Hope Stables is a unique and private boarding facility that simulates natural living conditions. We created a natural track where our horses move in a small herd all day for psychological and physical well being.
Overnight camping: Stalls for campers are covered 12x12 with attached paddock for turn-out. The sites are equipped with electric- & water-hookups. The sites are gravel pull-thrus.
New Horizon StablesStatesville, NC 28625
(704) 592-5034
nhstables@yahoo.comNew Hope Stables is a unique and private boarding facility that simulates natural living conditions. We created a natural track where our horses move in a small herd all day for psychological and physical well being.
Overnight camping: Stalls for campers are covered 12x12 with attached paddock for turn-out. The sites are equipped with electric- & water-hookups. The sites are gravel pull-thrus.
586 Pearse Road
Schenectady, NY 12309
Horse sales at New Horizon Stables, Schenectady, NY: specializing in sales of hunter/jumper horses and gentle horses for children and for pleasure riding, with on-site horse training, English riding lessons and horseback riding summer camp program.
New Jersey State Fair - Sussex County Farm and Horse ShowNew Meadow Overnight CampSchenectady, NY 12309
(518) 382-3008
Info@NewHorizonStables.comHorse sales at New Horizon Stables, Schenectady, NY: specializing in sales of hunter/jumper horses and gentle horses for children and for pleasure riding, with on-site horse training, English riding lessons and horseback riding summer camp program.
P.O. Box 486
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
Day and overnight riding camps for girls 9 to 17 who want to spend a very special summer with horses.
New Vocations Racehorse Adoption ProgramLafayette Hill, PA 19444
(610) 825-9838
newmeadowfarm@msn.comDay and overnight riding camps for girls 9 to 17 who want to spend a very special summer with horses.
Finding quality homes for retired racehorses, Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds, throughout the Eastern US. Providing new vocations for ex-racehorses.
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