North America Horse Directory
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North Dakota Quarter Horse Racing Association - NDQHRA
A non-profit corporation whose purpose is to promote and stimulate interest, racing, and breeding the American Quarter Horse as registered by the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), in North Dakota.
North Fork Horse
425 US 83
Oakley, KS 67748
North Fork Horse Camps has a history of success with bringing home four Kansas State Fair Champions and many students placing in reining, English pleasure, jumping, horsemanship, barrels, flags, western pleasure, and English flat classes at the Kansas State 4-H Fair. Camp is located in Oakley, KS. Indoor and outdoor arena available during riding time. Enjoy fishing, paddle boats, swimming, and water trampoline during free time. Campers stay in a rustic log cabin with campfire cookouts every night.
Check website for date and camps. Also offering a new mini-camp in Junction City, KS.
North Road FarmOakley, KS 67748
(785) 672-0950
kristyk2020@yahoo.comNorth Fork Horse Camps has a history of success with bringing home four Kansas State Fair Champions and many students placing in reining, English pleasure, jumping, horsemanship, barrels, flags, western pleasure, and English flat classes at the Kansas State 4-H Fair. Camp is located in Oakley, KS. Indoor and outdoor arena available during riding time. Enjoy fishing, paddle boats, swimming, and water trampoline during free time. Campers stay in a rustic log cabin with campfire cookouts every night.
Check website for date and camps. Also offering a new mini-camp in Junction City, KS.
370 North Rd
Fremont, NH 03044
Jan Brubacher is a friendly, professional teacher and coach with years of training and showing experience. Feel confident on well-schooled horses and learn skills, confidence, motivation, and fitness. Students range from beginner horse-crazy youngsters to intermediates building on basics to those of you who never want to lose your horse connection.
Lessons focus on horse's mind: thinking, reactive behavior, halter, leading, safety, grooming, and care; tack: bridle, saddle, and girth. Riding emphasizes balance, strength, coordination, and sensitivity. Finish with clean up and put away, plus exercises for homework.
Summer Camp: New friends and spending time with your favorite horse! Endless hours at the barn grooming, riding, jumping, going on a trail ride, or even going on a carriage ride. Free time in the hay loft, a pretend horse show, 4-H reading and talk, water activities, and horse-crafts. Whole and ½ day programs.
Peppermint Ponies 4-H Club: Ages 5 to 18.
Northern California Paint Horse Club - NCPHCNorthern High FarmFremont, NH 03044
(603) 679-3367
(603) 303-1584
j.brubacher@comcast.netJan Brubacher is a friendly, professional teacher and coach with years of training and showing experience. Feel confident on well-schooled horses and learn skills, confidence, motivation, and fitness. Students range from beginner horse-crazy youngsters to intermediates building on basics to those of you who never want to lose your horse connection.
Lessons focus on horse's mind: thinking, reactive behavior, halter, leading, safety, grooming, and care; tack: bridle, saddle, and girth. Riding emphasizes balance, strength, coordination, and sensitivity. Finish with clean up and put away, plus exercises for homework.
Summer Camp: New friends and spending time with your favorite horse! Endless hours at the barn grooming, riding, jumping, going on a trail ride, or even going on a carriage ride. Free time in the hay loft, a pretend horse show, 4-H reading and talk, water activities, and horse-crafts. Whole and ½ day programs.
Peppermint Ponies 4-H Club: Ages 5 to 18.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
- Carriages
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- 4-H Clubs
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
PO Box 256
48 Millbrook Rd
Broadway, NJ 08808
Boarding, training & lessons.
Owner: Grace Golden, USDF L Judge and FEI Competitor.
40 stalls on 89 acres, large indoor arena, outdoor arena, hunt field, and x-country course. All day turnout, excellent care, and on-site management.
Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association48 Millbrook Rd
Broadway, NJ 08808
(413) 205-9050
grace@northernhighfarm.comBoarding, training & lessons.
Owner: Grace Golden, USDF L Judge and FEI Competitor.
40 stalls on 89 acres, large indoor arena, outdoor arena, hunt field, and x-country course. All day turnout, excellent care, and on-site management.
Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association year end awards, futurity, stallion service auction, and much more.
Noteworthy PropertiesNova Quarter Horses, Inc.Nunley
Pelham, TN 37366
Paint and Quarter Horses. Since 1985, Nunley Ranch has been a leading breeder of Bulldogs, Rat Terriers, horses, and more. With a wide variety to choose from, they are a great choice for animal breeders.
O.A.T.S Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles(931) 467-3307
nunleyranch@blomand.netPaint and Quarter Horses. Since 1985, Nunley Ranch has been a leading breeder of Bulldogs, Rat Terriers, horses, and more. With a wide variety to choose from, they are a great choice for animal breeders.
3090 Weidemann Dr
Clarkston, MI 48348
We've been Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles since 1997. Our mission: to promote the health, well-being, and happiness of handicapped individuals through horseback riding and related activities. As a NARHA premier center located in Clarkston, Mich., we serve all ages and disabilities year round.
Clarkston, MI 48348
(248) 620-1775
(248) 620-0505
oatssmiles@aol.comWe've been Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles since 1997. Our mission: to promote the health, well-being, and happiness of handicapped individuals through horseback riding and related activities. As a NARHA premier center located in Clarkston, Mich., we serve all ages and disabilities year round.
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