North America Horse Directory
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Pegasus Concepts
Phoenix, AZ 85041
The Electro-Acuscope is a electronic medical instrument that delivers gentle treatment to damaged and impaired tissue in feedback-modulated micro-current transcutaneous nerve and muscle stimulation. Unlike most electrical stimulators called TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) that blindly blast milliamperage current to block pain signals from reaching the brain, the Acuscope delivers minuscule doses of micro-electricity (the exact level, frequency, intensity, and waveform patterns that healthy living tissue conducts through the nerve network).
It will reduce pain and promote healing for you and your horse.
Come visit my website to get more information and get your horse feeling good again.
Pennsylvania Institute for HorseshoeingPennsylvania Paint Horse Club - PPHCPerryPhoto(480) 225-6941
info@pegasus-concepts.comThe Electro-Acuscope is a electronic medical instrument that delivers gentle treatment to damaged and impaired tissue in feedback-modulated micro-current transcutaneous nerve and muscle stimulation. Unlike most electrical stimulators called TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) that blindly blast milliamperage current to block pain signals from reaching the brain, the Acuscope delivers minuscule doses of micro-electricity (the exact level, frequency, intensity, and waveform patterns that healthy living tissue conducts through the nerve network).
It will reduce pain and promote healing for you and your horse.
Come visit my website to get more information and get your horse feeling good again.
14237 Aster Ave
Wellington, FL 33414
Stock photography located in Wellington, FL with special emphasis on local equestrian community.
Phelps Media GroupWellington, FL 33414
Stock photography located in Wellington, FL with special emphasis on local equestrian community.
13833 Wellington Trace
Unit E-4 #221
Wellington, FL 33414
Large and trusted North American equestrian public relations firm with an impressive roster of clients.
Phoenix Rising SanctuaryUnit E-4 #221
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 753-3389
pmginfo@phelpsmediagroup.comLarge and trusted North American equestrian public relations firm with an impressive roster of clients.
PO Box 488
Duvall, WA 98019
Our mission is to educate and empower girls through interaction with our rescue horses and to support them in becoming strong, compassionate, confident, and curious young women with a positive sense of self, family, and community.
Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center - PPTRCPinchona FarmDuvall, WA 98019
(206) 321-0142
contact@phoenixrisingsanctuary.orgOur mission is to educate and empower girls through interaction with our rescue horses and to support them in becoming strong, compassionate, confident, and curious young women with a positive sense of self, family, and community.
1359 Windham Road
Hope Hull, AL 36043
A full service boarding facility with 132 acres includes manicured trails, mirrored dressage arena on sandy soil,round pen and 13 large stalls. Paddocks range from 2 to 20 acres. Relax and let us do the work, leaving time for you to ride.
Pine Haven Quarter HorsesHope Hull, AL 36043
(334) 281-4546
mcleod98@bellsouth.netA full service boarding facility with 132 acres includes manicured trails, mirrored dressage arena on sandy soil,round pen and 13 large stalls. Paddocks range from 2 to 20 acres. Relax and let us do the work, leaving time for you to ride.
524 Boundary Rd
Plantagenet ON K0B 1L0
Pine Haven and France Vanier offer training, lessons, clinics, seminars, boarding, and more. France is a Lyons Professional Horse Trainer, certified coach, and international clinician. We offer a wide variety of programs. To better suit your needs, we also have staff to serve you. We have an heated indoor arena for year round riding and trails. We also have a variety of activities for all horse enthusiasts. Offer Equine First Aid courses, EAPD coaching. Now offering Trainer Certification Programs thru NAET.
Pinto Carriage Works, LLCPlantagenet ON K0B 1L0
(613) 677-0105
easternhorselady@hotmail.comPine Haven and France Vanier offer training, lessons, clinics, seminars, boarding, and more. France is a Lyons Professional Horse Trainer, certified coach, and international clinician. We offer a wide variety of programs. To better suit your needs, we also have staff to serve you. We have an heated indoor arena for year round riding and trails. We also have a variety of activities for all horse enthusiasts. Offer Equine First Aid courses, EAPD coaching. Now offering Trainer Certification Programs thru NAET.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Horse Training Stables
1584 Dogwood Lane
Middleburg, FL 32068
Pinto Carriage Works is a horse drawn carriage service specializing in events like weddings, proms, birthday parties, QuinceaƱeras, and more.
Middleburg, FL 32068
(904) 302-0502
(904) 222-5272
info@pintocarriageworks.comPinto Carriage Works is a horse drawn carriage service specializing in events like weddings, proms, birthday parties, QuinceaƱeras, and more.
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