North America Horse Directory
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Precise Buildings
4056A E Newport Road
Kinzers, PA 17535
Custom horse barns.
Precision Barn Builders, LLCKinzers, PA 17535
(717) 768-3200
sales@precisebuildings.comCustom horse barns.
P. O. Box 786
Dahlonega, GA 30528
Precision Barn Builders, LLC specializes in horse barn construction and farm structure building throughout North Georgia.
Premier Breeding Services, LLCDahlonega, GA 30528
(706) 974-1074
damon@precisionbarnbuilders.comPrecision Barn Builders, LLC specializes in horse barn construction and farm structure building throughout North Georgia.
P.O. Box 660
17112 Hwy 86
Kiowa, CO 80117
Premier Breeding Services at Crooked Willow Farms provides exceptional equine reproductive management and care.
Pretty Pony Pastures17112 Hwy 86
Kiowa, CO 80117
(303) 681-9717
Premier Breeding Services at Crooked Willow Farms provides exceptional equine reproductive management and care.
9160 Eagle Road
Davisburg, MI 48350
Providing a safe and enjoyable horse experience for persons of all abilities - all year long. We offer therapeutic and traditional riding classes using our unique four-level, sixteen-step riding plan.
Priefert Ranch EquipmentDavisburg, MI 48350
(248) 634-7276
info@prettyponypastures.orgProviding a safe and enjoyable horse experience for persons of all abilities - all year long. We offer therapeutic and traditional riding classes using our unique four-level, sixteen-step riding plan.
P.O. Box 1540
2630 South Jefferson Ave
Mount Pleasant, TX 75456
ProEquest2630 South Jefferson Ave
Mount Pleasant, TX 75456
(800) 527-8616
(903) 572-1741
PO Box 633
Penngrove, CA 94951
We are one of the leading horse selling companies in the USA to provide you with hunter horses and jumping horses for sale.
Progressive Riding Program - PRPPenngrove, CA 94951
(415) 516-0648
(800) 370-0824
allison@proequest.comWe are one of the leading horse selling companies in the USA to provide you with hunter horses and jumping horses for sale.
3491 James Madison Hwy
Haymarket, VA 20169
PRP is a private riding program designed to create responsible, educated riders capable of self sufficient horse ownership as well as exceptional riders. We teach the American style hunt seat suitable for pleasure, fox hunting, hunter showing, and jumper showing. All of our students are treated as future horse owners and are given horse care and horse training information throughout the lesson program. We pride ourselves on our well trained, exceptional school horses. PRP students are 50% adults and have aspirations ranging from trailriding to making a future Olympic team. We provide opportunities and exposure to many horse activities as participants and spectators. PRP students have gone fox hunting, local horse showing, recognized "A" horse showing, and trail riding. Our program is a comprehensive program taught by a certified, award winning instructor with over 50 years experience in the horse industry. We are conveniently located in Haymarket, VA, with easy access to rout
Providence FarmHaymarket, VA 20169
(703) 754-2982
mjdemichele3@yahoo.comPRP is a private riding program designed to create responsible, educated riders capable of self sufficient horse ownership as well as exceptional riders. We teach the American style hunt seat suitable for pleasure, fox hunting, hunter showing, and jumper showing. All of our students are treated as future horse owners and are given horse care and horse training information throughout the lesson program. We pride ourselves on our well trained, exceptional school horses. PRP students are 50% adults and have aspirations ranging from trailriding to making a future Olympic team. We provide opportunities and exposure to many horse activities as participants and spectators. PRP students have gone fox hunting, local horse showing, recognized "A" horse showing, and trail riding. Our program is a comprehensive program taught by a certified, award winning instructor with over 50 years experience in the horse industry. We are conveniently located in Haymarket, VA, with easy access to rout
7024 Esker Rd
Custer, WI 54423
Arabians and palomino part-Arabians for show, breeding and pleasure. Located in the very center of Wisconsin.
Provo PoniesCuster, WI 54423
(715) 592-3602
providencefarm@charter.netArabians and palomino part-Arabians for show, breeding and pleasure. Located in the very center of Wisconsin.
Long Bay Hills Providenciales
Horseback riding in Turks and Caicos.
Pure Puerto Rican Paso Fino Federation of America - PPRPFFATURKS AND CAICOS
Horseback riding in Turks and Caicos.
Pure Puerto Rican Paso Fino Federation of America, Inc. It is our mission to: encourage & educate; to train, improve, protect and promote the breed; to preserve the true four-beat laterally-gaited Puerto Rican Paso Fino; to sponsor shows; and more.
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