North America Horse Directory
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R4C Ranch
21300 227th Street
Tonganoxie, KS 66086
R4C Ranch is host to Riders For Christ, a trail riding fellowship. Horse owners who want to ride with others in a Christian environment are invited to join us on scheduled rides and campfire worship at the ranch and throughout the region. Non-horseowners are welcome to join us for campfire worship. R4C Ranch also is home to the R4C Ranch Riding School and Riders For Christ Mounted Drill Team.
Radiance Morgan Horses / Sweet Promise FarmRafter Bar D MorgansTonganoxie, KS 66086
(913) 845-3633
r4c_ranch@yahoo.comR4C Ranch is host to Riders For Christ, a trail riding fellowship. Horse owners who want to ride with others in a Christian environment are invited to join us on scheduled rides and campfire worship at the ranch and throughout the region. Non-horseowners are welcome to join us for campfire worship. R4C Ranch also is home to the R4C Ranch Riding School and Riders For Christ Mounted Drill Team.
- Trail Riding Organizations
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Christian Community
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
W4290 Jesse Rd
Sarona, WI 54870
We are located in northern Wisconsin, where we are selectively breeding Morgans for disposition, type, and versatility for sport, family pleasure, work, or show. We offer Morgans for sale and breeding services. Visit us at our website, give us a call, or come to our farm and meet our Morgans. We'd love to hear from you.
Rafter F Quarter HorsesSarona, WI 54870
(715) 469-3480
derrickolson@centurytel.netWe are located in northern Wisconsin, where we are selectively breeding Morgans for disposition, type, and versatility for sport, family pleasure, work, or show. We offer Morgans for sale and breeding services. Visit us at our website, give us a call, or come to our farm and meet our Morgans. We'd love to hear from you.
P.O. Box 1150
Floresville, TX 78114
Trained and started barrel horses for sale and many barrel racing and roping prospects offered at reasonable prices.
Raintree Equestrian CenterFloresville, TX 78114
(210) 912-8451
Trained and started barrel horses for sale and many barrel racing and roping prospects offered at reasonable prices.
9142 Mineral Wells Rd
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Raintree Equestrian Center is a family oriented full service facility with a relaxed atmosphere. Equestrians of all ages, skill levels, and disciplines are welcome. We offer self board, partial board and full board packages along with optional services. Our instructor offers beginner through advanced riding Lessons in English and Western riding. We also offer horse sales and leasing, summer horse camp and birthday parties. Overnight/Layovers are welcome. Please call to reserve your stalls prior to arrival and bring current coggins and vaccine records. Please visit our website at We'd love to hear from you.
Ralph Anthony Professional Farrier ServicesOlive Branch, MS 38654
(901) 857-4074
swilley.marie@gmail.comRaintree Equestrian Center is a family oriented full service facility with a relaxed atmosphere. Equestrians of all ages, skill levels, and disciplines are welcome. We offer self board, partial board and full board packages along with optional services. Our instructor offers beginner through advanced riding Lessons in English and Western riding. We also offer horse sales and leasing, summer horse camp and birthday parties. Overnight/Layovers are welcome. Please call to reserve your stalls prior to arrival and bring current coggins and vaccine records. Please visit our website at We'd love to hear from you.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
Sussex, NJ 07462
Professional farrier with over 20 years experience now accepting a limited number of select clients who demand the best for their horse. Specializing in hoof cracks, glue on shoes, and hoof reconstruction, as well as lameness and therapeutic shoeing.
RanchHand Livestock Facilities / Custom Built Barns(973) 725-9367
(845) 290-2805
info@profarrierusa.comProfessional farrier with over 20 years experience now accepting a limited number of select clients who demand the best for their horse. Specializing in hoof cracks, glue on shoes, and hoof reconstruction, as well as lameness and therapeutic shoeing.
High quality custom built metal barns, stables, and horse arenas.
Rancho la ProvidenciaHigh quality custom built metal barns, stables, and horse arenas.
Jilotopec Soyanil
Guest ranch accomodation. Ride quality horses in the open country side. Volcanic mountain views. English or western saddle. Exciting rides with lots of galloping on fit competion horses.
Rancho Las Cascadas015527175939
victoria_de_rincon@hotmail.comGuest ranch accomodation. Ride quality horses in the open country side. Volcanic mountain views. English or western saddle. Exciting rides with lots of galloping on fit competion horses.
Rancho Las Cascadas
San Agustin Buenavista
Rancho Las Cascadas is a hidden gem located only 90 mins from Mexico City's international airport. The authentic villages and towns and unique rural landscape offers riding without boundaries in just about every direction.
Exciting forward going horses complete the picture, and you will find them willing and eager to carry you to your destination of the day.
The ranch itself was created with excellent design features to encapsulate all that is essential to the discerning traveler. A haven for riders and non-riders alike, those who prefer to relax can enjoy the hot tub, the divine Cascadas abounding the property, or simply relax on the terrace and catch up on that good book you've been wanting to read.
Either way, Rancho Las Cascadas has something for everyone.
Rancho Linda MarchadoresSan Agustin Buenavista
Rancho Las Cascadas is a hidden gem located only 90 mins from Mexico City's international airport. The authentic villages and towns and unique rural landscape offers riding without boundaries in just about every direction.
Exciting forward going horses complete the picture, and you will find them willing and eager to carry you to your destination of the day.
The ranch itself was created with excellent design features to encapsulate all that is essential to the discerning traveler. A haven for riders and non-riders alike, those who prefer to relax can enjoy the hot tub, the divine Cascadas abounding the property, or simply relax on the terrace and catch up on that good book you've been wanting to read.
Either way, Rancho Las Cascadas has something for everyone.
Mangalarga Marchador horses are naturally gaited. Contact Rancho Linda Marchadores for sales, breeding & importing of the Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador.
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