North America Horse Directory
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Rene Dan Jet
Standing at: Santa Lucia Farms
1924 West Highway 154
Santa Ynez, CA 93460
AQHA barrel & pole sire.
Revelation Farms1924 West Highway 154
Santa Ynez, CA 93460
(805) 238-9818
AQHA barrel & pole sire.
45 Fitzer Rd
Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Rhodes River RanchFrenchtown, NJ 08825
(908) 996-2123 Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Christian Community
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Saddleseat Stables
- Horse Training Stables
22016 Entsminger Rd
Arlington, WA 98223
Richland RanchArlington, WA 98223
(360) 474-8313
16285 Briarwood Trace
Auburn, IL 62615
Home of Zippos Mr Good Bar, Coats N Tails, An Awesome Mister, and Good Time To Shine.
Richmond Riverside RanchRide OnRide on St. Louis Inc.Ride Right with Daniel StewartRide With ExcellenceAuburn, IL 62615
(217) 438-9910
Home of Zippos Mr Good Bar, Coats N Tails, An Awesome Mister, and Good Time To Shine.
Freeburg, IL 62243
Every horse has moves he performs naturally in the wild. Whether he is escaping a predator or playing with herd mates, horses have what we call "basic maneuvers." These maneuvers can be performed by any horse. The move basics and move definitions will help the rider learn to communicate with his/her horse. If the rider better understands the mechanics and limitations of the horse, the rider's performance will greatly improve in his/her chosen discipline. The move basics will also improve performance for trail riding or pleasure horses. Learning how to better handle your horse will improve your safety and confidence around horses and other riders. Our training method is one of the fastest, easiest, simplest, and safest. After the roundpen... YOU can Ride with Excellence!
Ride Your Horse! Therapeutic Riding Program(618) 830-8344
Sarah@ridewithexcellence.comEvery horse has moves he performs naturally in the wild. Whether he is escaping a predator or playing with herd mates, horses have what we call "basic maneuvers." These maneuvers can be performed by any horse. The move basics and move definitions will help the rider learn to communicate with his/her horse. If the rider better understands the mechanics and limitations of the horse, the rider's performance will greatly improve in his/her chosen discipline. The move basics will also improve performance for trail riding or pleasure horses. Learning how to better handle your horse will improve your safety and confidence around horses and other riders. Our training method is one of the fastest, easiest, simplest, and safest. After the roundpen... YOU can Ride with Excellence!
10730 Artesia Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
Ride Your Horse TRP provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other assisted equine activities to children and adults with disabilities. Specializing promoting self-growth to each rider in all areas of need. Private, semi-private, and group lessons are all held under a beautiful covered arena. Volunteers are a vital part of RYH. Volunteer opportunities range from horse handlers to office work.
Cerritos, CA 90703
(714) 292-3563
rideyourhorsetrp@yahoo.comRide Your Horse TRP provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other assisted equine activities to children and adults with disabilities. Specializing promoting self-growth to each rider in all areas of need. Private, semi-private, and group lessons are all held under a beautiful covered arena. Volunteers are a vital part of RYH. Volunteer opportunities range from horse handlers to office work.
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