North America Horse Directory
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Robinson's Feed and Country Western StoreRock Creek Horse Center
5100 Glover Road
Washington, DC 20015
Rock Hall FarmWashington, DC 20015
(202) 362-0117 Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
P.O. Box 208
1823 Old Winchester Road
Boyce, VA 22620
Rockbridge Hunt1823 Old Winchester Road
Boyce, VA 22620
(540) 837-1988
61 Hark To Loop
Glasgow, VA 24555
The Rockbridge Hunt is incorporated for the purpose of encouraging athletic exercises, encouraging the raising and breeding of horses and hounds, and the establishment of places for social meetings.
Rockbridge Hunt Pony Club - RHPCRockin Bar W RanchGlasgow, VA 24555
The Rockbridge Hunt is incorporated for the purpose of encouraging athletic exercises, encouraging the raising and breeding of horses and hounds, and the establishment of places for social meetings.
8100 Pottenger Rd
Camden, OH 45311
Rockin Bar W Ranch is a small size Tennessee Walking Horse / Spotted Saddle Horse breeding farm located in Camden, Ohio. We are in Preble County just north of Cincinnati and south of Dayton. We specialize in producing show quality TWHBEA and SSHBEA horses.
Rockin L AppaloosasCamden, OH 45311
(937) 452-1669
(937) 441-0491
rockinbarwranch@yahoo.comRockin Bar W Ranch is a small size Tennessee Walking Horse / Spotted Saddle Horse breeding farm located in Camden, Ohio. We are in Preble County just north of Cincinnati and south of Dayton. We specialize in producing show quality TWHBEA and SSHBEA horses.
- Tennessee Walking Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Spotted Saddle Horse Breeders and Stallions
29290 Queenwood Rd
Morton, IL 61550
We are a small family operation located in Central Illinois, 60 miles north of Springfield. Our interest in Appaloosas grew with our first visit to Sheldak Ranch in 1986. At that time, we purchased our stallion Jack Almighty, a weanling at the time, who is a son of Mighty Tim and Miss Cutie Harmon.
Rockin' L & D RanchMorton, IL 61550
(309) 447-6902
We are a small family operation located in Central Illinois, 60 miles north of Springfield. Our interest in Appaloosas grew with our first visit to Sheldak Ranch in 1986. At that time, we purchased our stallion Jack Almighty, a weanling at the time, who is a son of Mighty Tim and Miss Cutie Harmon.
1019 Deodar Road
Escondido, CA 92026
Rockin' L & D Ranch's motto is: "YES, I CAN!" We help you achieve your personal and professional equine goals. Lori Hall-McNary, owner, trainer, and CHA Master Instructor is a third generation cowgirl who adheres to the three P's: Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance, for both her students and horses. Many of Lori's students show and win in the speed events: gymkhana, barrel racing, and cutting cows.
Equine education and setting the example for others is the key to safe riding. Regardless of age, Lori's students all wear helmets.
Youth involvement in the equine community is strongly encouraged to secure the future of the horse industry. Each year a student is awarded a scholarship to attend the Certified Horsemanship Association Standard Clinic Rockin' L & D hosts. Students of all ages are encouraged to expand their knowledge by attending the Equine Affaire in Pomona, California and the CHA Region 10 conference.
Day camps, birthday & scout
Rockin' S Quarter HorsesEscondido, CA 92026
(760) 741-1179
(760) 224-2483
hallmcnary@earthlink.netRockin' L & D Ranch's motto is: "YES, I CAN!" We help you achieve your personal and professional equine goals. Lori Hall-McNary, owner, trainer, and CHA Master Instructor is a third generation cowgirl who adheres to the three P's: Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance, for both her students and horses. Many of Lori's students show and win in the speed events: gymkhana, barrel racing, and cutting cows.
Equine education and setting the example for others is the key to safe riding. Regardless of age, Lori's students all wear helmets.
Youth involvement in the equine community is strongly encouraged to secure the future of the horse industry. Each year a student is awarded a scholarship to attend the Certified Horsemanship Association Standard Clinic Rockin' L & D hosts. Students of all ages are encouraged to expand their knowledge by attending the Equine Affaire in Pomona, California and the CHA Region 10 conference.
Day camps, birthday & scout
2248 Clark Lake Rd
Weatherford, TX 76088
Specializing in raising and breeding quarter horses and paint horses. Includes information on stallion service, broodmares, and horses for sale.
Rocking 40 Ranch and Horse HotelWeatherford, TX 76088
(817) 59-HORSE
(817) 304-2682
Specializing in raising and breeding quarter horses and paint horses. Includes information on stallion service, broodmares, and horses for sale.
23150 Eastside Road
Willits, CA 95490
We have a horse hotel in the Little Lake Valley area of Willits, California. We are located off Hwy 101 1/2 between Crescent City and San Francisco. We have a 6 stall mare motel, easy access and parking for big rigs, and an RV hookup. Horses are $25 per night, full hookup is $35, electric only $15 per night (as of Feb 2013). Call our cell number, 707-548-4328, as far ahead as possible!
Willits, CA 95490
(707) 459-7004
(707) 548-4328
rocking40ranch@comcast.netWe have a horse hotel in the Little Lake Valley area of Willits, California. We are located off Hwy 101 1/2 between Crescent City and San Francisco. We have a 6 stall mare motel, easy access and parking for big rigs, and an RV hookup. Horses are $25 per night, full hookup is $35, electric only $15 per night (as of Feb 2013). Call our cell number, 707-548-4328, as far ahead as possible!
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