North America Horse Directory
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Rudolph Ranch, Inc.
70 Rudolph Ranch Rd
Black Hawk, CO 80422
We provide horse boarding services in a peaceful, quiet mountain ranch setting. What sets us apart is the fact that your horse can be a horse on our ranch. Rudolph Ranch is surrounded by hundreds of acres of mountain property and peaceful mountain meadows. There are no crowds, except for herds of elk. We are close to Golden Gate State Park, which provides hours of beautiful mountain trail riding. We also have a riding arena with a steer roping facility. There are lots of trails, and we are close to Denver. You may also head to Black Hawk and Central City for a night on the town or a nice dinner just minutes away. We have a barn where you can host a family reunion or company party complete with a bonfire, a BBQ dinner, and live music if you choose.
Rumors Hill StableBlack Hawk, CO 80422
(303) 582-1597
We provide horse boarding services in a peaceful, quiet mountain ranch setting. What sets us apart is the fact that your horse can be a horse on our ranch. Rudolph Ranch is surrounded by hundreds of acres of mountain property and peaceful mountain meadows. There are no crowds, except for herds of elk. We are close to Golden Gate State Park, which provides hours of beautiful mountain trail riding. We also have a riding arena with a steer roping facility. There are lots of trails, and we are close to Denver. You may also head to Black Hawk and Central City for a night on the town or a nice dinner just minutes away. We have a barn where you can host a family reunion or company party complete with a bonfire, a BBQ dinner, and live music if you choose.
(614) 561-7778
All disciplines and breeds are welcome. Small, quiet private farm.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
Wind Lake, WI 53185
Running T Ranch focuses on creating harmony between the horse and rider through classical dressage training principles. Running T Ranch specializes in English performance horses and sport horses.
Russell County
Running T Ranch focuses on creating harmony between the horse and rider through classical dressage training principles. Running T Ranch specializes in English performance horses and sport horses.
Russell County Fair Association
P.O. Box 2105
Lebanon, VA 24266
Russellville Manor FarmRustic Trail StableP.O. Box 2105
Lebanon, VA 24266
(276) 762-2261
Rustic Trail Stable
4645 Rustic Trail
Milton, FL 32570
Learn the exciting world of horses, including care/management, grooming, riding (jumping, dressage, trails, western, cross country), and showing. Programs for ages 5 - adult. Weekly lesson programs start at $100/month (as of June 2009). Professional instructors in a family-friendly environment. Beautiful arenas, trails, riding areas, and horses!
S-N-S Stables4645 Rustic Trail
Milton, FL 32570
(850) 626-7760
rustictrl@bellsouth.netLearn the exciting world of horses, including care/management, grooming, riding (jumping, dressage, trails, western, cross country), and showing. Programs for ages 5 - adult. Weekly lesson programs start at $100/month (as of June 2009). Professional instructors in a family-friendly environment. Beautiful arenas, trails, riding areas, and horses!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
5517 Hatches Corner Rd
Conneaut, OH 44030
S-N-S Stables is a family owned boarding stable also offering English, western & therapeutic lessons. We offer horses for sale & rental of our indoor arena.
Saddle Shop, TheConneaut, OH 44030
(440) 228-6660
(440) 594-2110
krislakota7@yahoo.comS-N-S Stables is a family owned boarding stable also offering English, western & therapeutic lessons. We offer horses for sale & rental of our indoor arena.
- Haflinger Farms and Stallions
- Paint Horse Farms
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
9727 4b Road
Bremen, IN 46506
Western saddles & used western saddles; Circle Y, Tucker Saddles, Billy Cook, and Crates.
Saddle UpBremen, IN 46506
(574) 936-5942
(866) 880-2121
info@horsesaddleshop.comWestern saddles & used western saddles; Circle Y, Tucker Saddles, Billy Cook, and Crates.
A non-profit, therapeutic horseback riding program designed for physically and mentally challenged individuals.
Saddlebrook Ridge Equestrian
10 Saddlebrook Court
Shamong, NJ 08088
Offers horse boarding, riding lessons and clinics.
Shamong, NJ 08088
(609) 953-1600
Offers horse boarding, riding lessons and clinics.
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