North America Horse Directory
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Saddlers Row
20066 N Rand Road
Palatine, IL 60074
Full service saddle shop offering extensive lines of apparel, saddles, strap goods, horse clothing, stable supplies, and health care. Master saddler on site. Complete tack repair, horse laundry, and engraving services. Warranty work and tree adjustment for Kieffer and Prestige. SMS qualified saddle fitters.
Sadie's Haven Horse Rescue & SanctuaryPalatine, IL 60074
(888) 710-7171
(847) 776-6700
saddlers@rcn.comFull service saddle shop offering extensive lines of apparel, saddles, strap goods, horse clothing, stable supplies, and health care. Master saddler on site. Complete tack repair, horse laundry, and engraving services. Warranty work and tree adjustment for Kieffer and Prestige. SMS qualified saddle fitters.
2951 Thorn Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472
We are a non profit public charity 501 (c)(3) horse rescue and sanctuary operation located in Sonoma County. Our purpose is to provide safe and experienced care and shelter for equines that are neglected, abused, and/or abandoned.
We inform and educate the public about the plight of these horses through tours and day camp programs for the community. We stress special consideration for underprivileged children and teens. We also offer youngsters the opportunity to complete their community service requirements in their schooling. If it were not for our efforts, many, if not all, of these horses would find themselves heading for the slaughter houses in Texas or Canada via the black market. Our goal is to care for them and keep them comfortable and happy for the rest of their natural lives.
We seek assistance from all sectors of society in this absolutely necessary mission. Corporate sponsors, individual sponsors, and individual donations are direly needed.
Salmana Enterprises IncSebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 206-1892
vicki@sadieshaven.comWe are a non profit public charity 501 (c)(3) horse rescue and sanctuary operation located in Sonoma County. Our purpose is to provide safe and experienced care and shelter for equines that are neglected, abused, and/or abandoned.
We inform and educate the public about the plight of these horses through tours and day camp programs for the community. We stress special consideration for underprivileged children and teens. We also offer youngsters the opportunity to complete their community service requirements in their schooling. If it were not for our efforts, many, if not all, of these horses would find themselves heading for the slaughter houses in Texas or Canada via the black market. Our goal is to care for them and keep them comfortable and happy for the rest of their natural lives.
We seek assistance from all sectors of society in this absolutely necessary mission. Corporate sponsors, individual sponsors, and individual donations are direly needed.
E Citrus Dr 13529
Loxahatchee, FL 33470
We offer services to south Florida. Manure removal and bulk shavings for sale.
Salter Pepper Paints and Quarter HorsesLoxahatchee, FL 33470
(561) 951-0993
salvadorflorida@aol.comWe offer services to south Florida. Manure removal and bulk shavings for sale.
R.R. #4
1625 Westside Road
Invermere BC V0A 1K4
Breeders of quality Paint and Quarter horses for show or pleasure with modern champion bloodlines, good conformation, and excellent dispositions. Standing palomino overo stallion, SPP Hezablonde Andy. Offspring and other horses for sale.
San Benito County FairSanaa Pharayra Stables1625 Westside Road
Invermere BC V0A 1K4
(250) 342-1526
(250) 342-2666
salterpp@davincibb.netBreeders of quality Paint and Quarter horses for show or pleasure with modern champion bloodlines, good conformation, and excellent dispositions. Standing palomino overo stallion, SPP Hezablonde Andy. Offspring and other horses for sale.
7202 Balcom Canyon Road
Somis, CA 93066
Hunter, jumper and equitation training. Detailed instruction with a strong emphasis on the fundamentals for optimum balance and performance both on the flat and over fences. Quality and attentive horse care. Green horses and students of all levels welcome. School horses and Lease horses available.
Sandie Creek Polocrosse ClubSomis, CA 93066
(818) 618-2264
sanaa@sanaapharayra.comHunter, jumper and equitation training. Detailed instruction with a strong emphasis on the fundamentals for optimum balance and performance both on the flat and over fences. Quality and attentive horse care. Green horses and students of all levels welcome. School horses and Lease horses available.
483 Horseshoe Bend Rd
Carrollton, GA 30116
Fun for the whole family!
For more information, please call.
Sandy Hill Quarter HorsesCarrollton, GA 30116
(404) 405-2394
sandiecreek@bellsouth.netFun for the whole family!
For more information, please call.
232 Eldridge Lane
Fort Ann, NY 12827
Family farm that focuses on breeding, training, and sales of performance Quarter Horses in Upstate New York.
Sandy Meadows Quarter Horse FarmSanta Cruz Carriage CompanyFort Ann, NY 12827
(518) 632-9227
Family farm that focuses on breeding, training, and sales of performance Quarter Horses in Upstate New York.
131A Center Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Horse drawn carriages, horse logging, and hay rides at Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 466-9169
(831) 588-2850
Horse drawn carriages, horse logging, and hay rides at Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz.
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