North America Horse Directory
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Santa Fe Ranch
12999 144th Ct N
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Horse themed western bedding, cabin bedspreads, and rustic bed sets.
Santa Rosa Junior CollegePalm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 622-6911
SantaFeRanch@Comcast.netHorse themed western bedding, cabin bedspreads, and rustic bed sets.
Agriculture/Natural Resources - Equine Science.
Santerre Show Stables
RR#2 S1 5C Wilson Rd
Pemberton BC V0N 2L2
Santerre Show Stables offers training from the beginning on for your young horse as well as for your Grand Prix horse. Jean-François offers coaching for motivated riders who want to improve their performance in the jumping ring. We select most of our horses from Europe and are currently located in British Columbia, Canada.
Sarah Martin DressagePemberton BC V0N 2L2
(604) 698-7997
jean@santerreshowstables.comSanterre Show Stables offers training from the beginning on for your young horse as well as for your Grand Prix horse. Jean-François offers coaching for motivated riders who want to improve their performance in the jumping ring. We select most of our horses from Europe and are currently located in British Columbia, Canada.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors
Teaching the rider to feel with Sarah Martin. International dressage trainer Sarah Martin, USDF certified trainer and Gold Medalist, specializes in adult amateurs with a passion for learning the art of dressage.
9562E 750N
Walkerton, IN 46574
Saylor's End of the Trail Riding Stable, located in northern Indiana at Koontz Lake, offers hourly horseback riding, pony parties, and group outings.
SCC FarmWalkerton, IN 46574
(574) 586-7970
endofthetrail@skyenet.netSaylor's End of the Trail Riding Stable, located in northern Indiana at Koontz Lake, offers hourly horseback riding, pony parties, and group outings.
Tomball, TX 77388
SCC Farm is an English riding facility located just minutes northeast of Tomball. We offer lesson programs developed to each skill level. Lessons are provided for the pleasure rider as well as the competitive rider in the area of hunt seat, equitation, and jumpers. SCC Farm is dedicated to provide customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service while furnishing a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Most important is the relationship built between the rider, horse, and Susan. These relationships will stay with the rider forever.
Schatzlein Saddle Shop281-253-7789
sccfarm@yahoo.comSCC Farm is an English riding facility located just minutes northeast of Tomball. We offer lesson programs developed to each skill level. Lessons are provided for the pleasure rider as well as the competitive rider in the area of hunt seat, equitation, and jumpers. SCC Farm is dedicated to provide customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service while furnishing a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Most important is the relationship built between the rider, horse, and Susan. These relationships will stay with the rider forever.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
413 West Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Western - English store. Apparel, tack, and saddle retailer since 1907.
Schimke Ranch Performance HorsesMinneapolis, MN 55408
(612) 825-2459
(800) 315-3503
outpost@ssaddle.comWestern - English store. Apparel, tack, and saddle retailer since 1907.
37008 221st Street
Wessington Springs, SD 57382
Standing quarter horse stallions, Frostman San Peppy and Oh Magnolia. We specialize in quarter horses with speed and cow sense. Barrel racing horses for sale.
Wessington Springs, SD 57382
(605) 539-0272
Standing quarter horse stallions, Frostman San Peppy and Oh Magnolia. We specialize in quarter horses with speed and cow sense. Barrel racing horses for sale.
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