North America Horse Directory
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Shasta Cove Stables
PO Box 877
Mount Shasta, CA 96067
Shasta Cove Stables in the Mount Shasta Region.
Shasta H RanchMount Shasta, CA 96067
(530) 938-3392
(800) 662-3529
onbelay@snowcrest.netShasta Cove Stables in the Mount Shasta Region.
21650 Kathy Lane
Redding, CA 96003
Preserving the tradition of quality. We breed 1st premium rated, DNA verified Gypsy Horses. Beginner lessons and stock for sale. Come visit us!
Shenandoah Carriage Company, LLCShining Star SaddlebredsRedding, CA 96003
(530) 549-4813
shastahranch@gmail.comPreserving the tradition of quality. We breed 1st premium rated, DNA verified Gypsy Horses. Beginner lessons and stock for sale. Come visit us!
- Morgan Horse Farms and Stallions
- Gypsy Vanner Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
931 Fairway Dr
Howard, OH 43028
We are breeders of show quality Saddlebred foals. We breed and stand a homozygous black stallion and have show prospects for sale.
Shining Valley FarmHoward, OH 43028
(740) 397-9695
dcmgypsy@aol.comWe are breeders of show quality Saddlebred foals. We breed and stand a homozygous black stallion and have show prospects for sale.
82 Pine Street
Medfield, MA 02052
We are a full service equestrian center located in Medfield, MA. For those seeking top quality professional training, our heated barn and attached indoor arena provide an excellent learning environment. We also have a large outdoor arena, 10 acres of individual grass paddocks, and a staff that provides excellent care for the horses.
Shoe Bond Systems, Inc. - SBSMedfield, MA 02052
(508) 359-1185
(508) 359-9666
erg192@gmail.comWe are a full service equestrian center located in Medfield, MA. For those seeking top quality professional training, our heated barn and attached indoor arena provide an excellent learning environment. We also have a large outdoor arena, 10 acres of individual grass paddocks, and a staff that provides excellent care for the horses.
3888 Mannix Dr
Unit 303
Naples, FL 34114
We provide hoof care products online.
Shooting Star FarmUnit 303
Naples, FL 34114
(239) 354-3361
info@sbsequine.comWe provide hoof care products online.
6176 Stone Hill Road
Livonia, NY 14487
Horse boarding and riding facility with 12 large stalls, indoor and outdoor riding arenas, round pen, 6 pastures, and wooded acres of horse trails. Easy access to Geneseo and Rochester.
Showcase Training StablesLivonia, NY 14487
(585) 346-9688
Horse boarding and riding facility with 12 large stalls, indoor and outdoor riding arenas, round pen, 6 pastures, and wooded acres of horse trails. Easy access to Geneseo and Rochester.
28311 Live Oak Canyon Rd
Redlands, CA 92373
We are a training stable that offers lessons and horse sales.
ShowmanEquineRedlands, CA 92373
(909) 798-9479
We are a training stable that offers lessons and horse sales.
Smyrna, GA 30082
My name is Molly Showman, and I offer English lessons and barn sitting at extremely affordable rates. The facility I give lessons at includes a large arena with bleacher seating and a heated / air conditioned lounge for waiting parents. I have over 13 years of horse care and riding experience. For more information, please e-mail or call me.
Feel free to check out my web site.
Signet Appraisals(404) 917-4084
mshowman@students.kennesaw.eduMy name is Molly Showman, and I offer English lessons and barn sitting at extremely affordable rates. The facility I give lessons at includes a large arena with bleacher seating and a heated / air conditioned lounge for waiting parents. I have over 13 years of horse care and riding experience. For more information, please e-mail or call me.
Feel free to check out my web site.
206 Blooms Corners Road
Warwick, NY 10990
Since 1980. Certified equine appraisals. Donations, taxes, pre-sale, insurance, divorce, litigation, arbitration, and senior expert witness.
Warwick, NY 10990
(845) 494-6257
(845) 544-2501
horses@warwick.netSince 1980. Certified equine appraisals. Donations, taxes, pre-sale, insurance, divorce, litigation, arbitration, and senior expert witness.
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