North America Horse Directory
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Texas Quarter Horse Association - TQHAThe Ranch
5280 Arena Circle, Suite 100
Loveland, CO 80538
Larimer County Fairgrounds and Events Complex.
The Saddle GuyLoveland, CO 80538
(970) 619-4000
Larimer County Fairgrounds and Events Complex.
11055 Hwy 94
Grady, AL 36036
I offer quality saddle repair and handcrafted custom saddles.
The Saddle Shack Custom Western tack & leather workGrady, AL 36036
(334) 562-3726
thesaddleguy@mon-cre.netI offer quality saddle repair and handcrafted custom saddles.
271346 Grey Rd 6
Mount Forest ON N0G 2L0
Custom made western tack & western saddles. All our western leather tack is made on site using only North American leather and stainless steel or solid brass hardware. We will make western tack to the customer's specifications. We make custom made chaps with tooled leather yokes, western saddles, breast collars, working headstalls, show bridles, X-heavy reins, gun holsters, scabbards.We stock Greg Darnall Bits & Spurs, Mayatex, Iconoclast Equine Support Boots, Classic Equine products. In addition to our great line of western tack, we make dog collars, plain or with bling.
Therapeutic Riding of Tucson - TROTMount Forest ON N0G 2L0
(519) 323-0056
s.crowley.close@sympatico.caCustom made western tack & western saddles. All our western leather tack is made on site using only North American leather and stainless steel or solid brass hardware. We will make western tack to the customer's specifications. We make custom made chaps with tooled leather yokes, western saddles, breast collars, working headstalls, show bridles, X-heavy reins, gun holsters, scabbards.We stock Greg Darnall Bits & Spurs, Mayatex, Iconoclast Equine Support Boots, Classic Equine products. In addition to our great line of western tack, we make dog collars, plain or with bling.
8920 E Woodland Road
Tucson, AZ 85749
Equine-related programs for people with special needs.
Thistle Cove FarmTucson, AZ 85749
(520) 749-2360
trotarizona@aol.comEquine-related programs for people with special needs.
R.R. 1, Box 351
Tazewell, VA 24651
In the heart of Appalachia. Thistle Cove Farm is a no kill, low stress farm that sells fleece given the seal of approval "Virginia's Finest", offers tours, and hosts an annual sheep shearing day. American curly horses are for sale. Book the seminar "Make Your Small Farm Pay."
Thoroughbred Breeders' Association of New Jersey - TBANJTazewell, VA 24651
(276) 988-4121
bricbenn@netscope.netIn the heart of Appalachia. Thistle Cove Farm is a no kill, low stress farm that sells fleece given the seal of approval "Virginia's Finest", offers tours, and hosts an annual sheep shearing day. American curly horses are for sale. Book the seminar "Make Your Small Farm Pay."
265 Hwy 36, Suite 1R
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
An organization dedicated to fostering and promoting the breeding and ownership of Thoroughbred horses in the state of New Jersey that distributes awards and an incentive program to breeders, owners, and stallion owners of registered New Jersey-bred horses who compete in races that are run at Monmouth Park and the Meadowlands and to those breeders of horses who compete in out-of-state races. The association also distributes a magazine called New Jersey Thoroughbred to all of its membership and to other breeders and owners in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Thunder Rail Stables LLCWest Long Branch, NJ 07764
(732) 542-8880
info@njbreds.comAn organization dedicated to fostering and promoting the breeding and ownership of Thoroughbred horses in the state of New Jersey that distributes awards and an incentive program to breeders, owners, and stallion owners of registered New Jersey-bred horses who compete in races that are run at Monmouth Park and the Meadowlands and to those breeders of horses who compete in out-of-state races. The association also distributes a magazine called New Jersey Thoroughbred to all of its membership and to other breeders and owners in the Mid-Atlantic region.
27102 SE 424th St
Enumclaw, WA 98022
Thunder Rail Stables is a top notch boarding, training, and lesson facility with indoor and outdoor arenas. Close to trails. Offering excellent care. We specialize in Saddleseat, Huntseat, Western, and Dressage as well as working with "problem" horses. All breeds and discipline are welcome. The atmosphere is family and friendly oriented. Offering a fun youth program. Self care and full care are available.
Thunder Valley RanchEnumclaw, WA 98022
(206) 707-6192
ThunderRailStables@aol.comThunder Rail Stables is a top notch boarding, training, and lesson facility with indoor and outdoor arenas. Close to trails. Offering excellent care. We specialize in Saddleseat, Huntseat, Western, and Dressage as well as working with "problem" horses. All breeds and discipline are welcome. The atmosphere is family and friendly oriented. Offering a fun youth program. Self care and full care are available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Equine Physical Therapy
- Saddleseat Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
Private Equine Facility
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
1535 Leedscastle Manor
Spring, TX 77379
Timbercreek Stables is a private 20 acre facility specializing in hunters, jumpers, equitation, and ponies in Magnolia, TX. We offer lessons, training, sales, and boarding under the direction of Robyn Schmidt. From the beginning of the rider's education to the "AA" show level, we offer programs for every need. We are known for our "hands on" approach and teach horsemanship and accountability.
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 691-2483
Longbuster@aol.comTimbercreek Stables is a private 20 acre facility specializing in hunters, jumpers, equitation, and ponies in Magnolia, TX. We offer lessons, training, sales, and boarding under the direction of Robyn Schmidt. From the beginning of the rider's education to the "AA" show level, we offer programs for every need. We are known for our "hands on" approach and teach horsemanship and accountability.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
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