North America Horse Directory
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Timberline Saddle Company
14536 E Jesse Rd
Nevada, MO 64772
Timberline Saddle Company builds quality custom flex panel saddles - comfortable for horse and rider! We make one to fit you and your mount, no matter what or how you ride. Visit our web site to see all the options available for your next saddle!
TIMCO Horse and Farm SupplyNevada, MO 64772
(417) 549-6655
timberlinesaddle@yahoo.comTimberline Saddle Company builds quality custom flex panel saddles - comfortable for horse and rider! We make one to fit you and your mount, no matter what or how you ride. Visit our web site to see all the options available for your next saddle!
2349 Jamestown Ave #6
Independence, IA 50644
We are a factory direct online and brick & mortar store for horse and farm supplies. We carry natural and organic horse and farm supplies and all kinds of fencing and livestock waterers. Dealer for Centaur, Electrobraid, Gallagher, Tru-test, and many more. We install everything we sell.
Tina Thuell PhotographyIndependence, IA 50644
(866) 991-2220
(319) 538-4773
info@timcohorseandfarmsupply.comWe are a factory direct online and brick & mortar store for horse and farm supplies. We carry natural and organic horse and farm supplies and all kinds of fencing and livestock waterers. Dealer for Centaur, Electrobraid, Gallagher, Tru-test, and many more. We install everything we sell.
13500 FM 2769
Austin, TX 78726
I am fine art photographer that specializes in equine photography. I love working with families, horses, and horse related causes. All jobs considered.
Tintagel Enterprises, Ltd.Austin, TX 78726
(512) 335-3498
(401) 808-9834
info@tinathuellphotography.comI am fine art photographer that specializes in equine photography. I love working with families, horses, and horse related causes. All jobs considered.
80 Easthampton Road
Westhampton, MA
a full service facility. Breeds exquisite Andalusian horses for sale. We offer dressage lessons, breaking and training the young horse, holistic rehabilitation and trick trained horses for media promotions. We stand two Andalusian stallions at stud, a black and a chestnut, and offer complete breeding services.
Tish Quirk - WarmbloodsTLC Premium Bedding, IncWesthampton, MA
a full service facility. Breeds exquisite Andalusian horses for sale. We offer dressage lessons, breaking and training the young horse, holistic rehabilitation and trick trained horses for media promotions. We stand two Andalusian stallions at stud, a black and a chestnut, and offer complete breeding services.
PO Box 9
Centerville, AR 72829
Manufactures 100% pine shavings. 5 production facilities throughout the United States.
TNT Equine, PLLCTNT FarmsCenterville, AR 72829
(866) 852-2333
(800) 625-5119 x234
lesley.jackson@tlchorsebedding.comManufactures 100% pine shavings. 5 production facilities throughout the United States.
- Scott County, Arkansas
- Yell County, Arkansas
- Texas County, Missouri
- Tippah County, Mississippi
- Chesterfield County, South Carolina
305 County Road 381
Rockdale, TX 76567
TNT Quarter Horses, LLC stands Quarter Horse stallions and offers horse training, boarding, and health recovery services. Located in Texas, but serving the entire country.
Tom Chown Quarter Horses / Willowtree FarmRockdale, TX 76567
(512) 269-9270
tntfarmsqtrhorses@yahoo.comTNT Quarter Horses, LLC stands Quarter Horse stallions and offers horse training, boarding, and health recovery services. Located in Texas, but serving the entire country.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Breeding Services
10334 Strittmatter Rd
Pilot Point, TX 76258
AQHA registered Quarter Horse stallion, Green With Invy.
Tom McCutcheon Reining Horses, Inc.Pilot Point, TX 76258
(940) 686-2641
AQHA registered Quarter Horse stallion, Green With Invy.
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