North America Horse Directory
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Twin Oaks Riding Academy
Chantilly, VA 20152
Twin Oaks offers group lessons year round for ages 6-adult. We have experienced, well trained school horses and have adult instructors. We teach in a safe and friendly environment with an indoor and outdoor riding arena. We also have summer camps available for both beginners and riders with experience. See website for details.
Tyax Mountain Lake Resort(703) 723-3200
nancy@twinoaksriding.comTwin Oaks offers group lessons year round for ages 6-adult. We have experienced, well trained school horses and have adult instructors. We teach in a safe and friendly environment with an indoor and outdoor riding arena. We also have summer camps available for both beginners and riders with experience. See website for details.
Tyaughton Lake Road
Gold Bridge BC V0K 1P0
For the sightseer, Tyax is probably one of the most breathtaking areas in North America.
Tyndall RanchUltimate Piaffe, TheGold Bridge BC V0K 1P0
(877) 918-TYAX (8929)
(250) 238-2221
info@tyax.comFor the sightseer, Tyax is probably one of the most breathtaking areas in North America.
1180 SW Zivney Lane
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Website for Ideal, an Oldenburg Stallion in the USA for premium foals. Ultimate Piaffe Farm is known for breeding and sport horses for sale. Carol Ives, director. ISR Oldenburg, RPSI, and Selle Francais recognized and licensed. See us for breeding, teaching, and training for the Olympic disciplines.
Under the Angel's Wings Rescue - UAWRUnique EquineLake Oswego, OR 97034
Website for Ideal, an Oldenburg Stallion in the USA for premium foals. Ultimate Piaffe Farm is known for breeding and sport horses for sale. Carol Ives, director. ISR Oldenburg, RPSI, and Selle Francais recognized and licensed. See us for breeding, teaching, and training for the Olympic disciplines.
- Oldenburg Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
374 Boston Street
Topsfield, MA 01983
Horse & rider boutique. Unique Equine is a full service tack shop specializing in affordable custom horse clothing and accessories. We also have apparel, tack & equipment for all riding levels. Ride in color - ride in style!
United Mountain Horse, Inc.Topsfield, MA 01983
(978) 887-2877
info@unique-equine.comHorse & rider boutique. Unique Equine is a full service tack shop specializing in affordable custom horse clothing and accessories. We also have apparel, tack & equipment for all riding levels. Ride in color - ride in style!
PO Box 640
Clay City, KY 40312
Representing all Mountain Horse breeds (RMHA, MPHA, KMSHA, KNGHA, & AGMH)
United SPCAClay City, KY 40312
(859) 842-0270
vanessa@unitedmountainhorse.orgRepresenting all Mountain Horse breeds (RMHA, MPHA, KMSHA, KNGHA, & AGMH)
P.O. Box 1192
Newberg, OR 97132
Our mission is to promote humane standards and education, prevent and investigate cruelty to animals, to provide shelter for animals, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws relative to animals.
We have assisted the Marion County Sheriff's Department in two seizures of 11 horses this year (2010/2011).
We are a non-profit organization that functions solely on donations. Your donation means we can continue our good work in rescuing animals in need.
United States Team Roping Championships - USTRCUnited States Trail Ride, Inc - USTRNewberg, OR 97132
(503) 662-0082
retiredbarnqueen@yahoo.comOur mission is to promote humane standards and education, prevent and investigate cruelty to animals, to provide shelter for animals, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws relative to animals.
We have assisted the Marion County Sheriff's Department in two seizures of 11 horses this year (2010/2011).
We are a non-profit organization that functions solely on donations. Your donation means we can continue our good work in rescuing animals in need.
Purcellville, VA 20132
USTR is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and creating trails for riding fun and pleasure. The organization also presents a variety of educational programs throughout the year that are open to the public and that promote the equestrian industry. Founded March 30th, 1987.
USTR is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and creating trails for riding fun and pleasure. The organization also presents a variety of educational programs throughout the year that are open to the public and that promote the equestrian industry. Founded March 30th, 1987.
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