North America Horse Directory
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University of Guelph - Diploma in Equine Studies
160 Johnston Hall
Guelph ON N1G 2T2
Study online - Stay at home with your horses!
The Office of Open Learning at the University of Guelph offers a complete online education program for horse owners. Our courses are based on research and are presented in a practical format, making it easy for you to apply what you learn to the health and performance of your horse.
Our courses are completely online. You can study with the University of Guelph from wherever you are in the world. Take one course or work toward one of our certificate or diploma programs. Registration is on a per-course basis, so you can choose the course that interests you. When you study online, there are no international student fees to worry about!
For more information on our courses, email us or visit our program websites at:
University of Wisconsin - Madison Hoofer Riding ClubGuelph ON N1G 2T2
(519) 767-5000
info@open.uoguelph.caStudy online - Stay at home with your horses!
The Office of Open Learning at the University of Guelph offers a complete online education program for horse owners. Our courses are based on research and are presented in a practical format, making it easy for you to apply what you learn to the health and performance of your horse.
Our courses are completely online. You can study with the University of Guelph from wherever you are in the world. Take one course or work toward one of our certificate or diploma programs. Registration is on a per-course basis, so you can choose the course that interests you. When you study online, there are no international student fees to worry about!
For more information on our courses, email us or visit our program websites at:
UW-Madison Hoofer Riding Club, Equestrian Team, and Equestrian Center. Come find out about our horses, the people, how to sign up for lessons and much more!!
Up-N-Over Stables- Intercollegiate Teams and Organizations
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
3951 W Maple Grove Rd
Bloomington, IN 47404
A eventing facility offering training, sales, boarding, and instruction in eventing, dressage, and jumpers.
Upper Pond StablesBloomington, IN 47404
(812) 327-8287
(812) 876-4801
nad@upnoverstables.comA eventing facility offering training, sales, boarding, and instruction in eventing, dressage, and jumpers.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
147 Upper Pond Road
Litchfield, ME 04350
Full service boarding stable on 25 acres. 100 x 200 outdoor arena and 70 x 120 indoor arena. Cross country and stadium jumping available. Trails nearby. 12 x 12 matted box stalls. Hay 4 times daily. All day turnout in large paddocks. "No better care anywhere!"
USNeighbor.orgLitchfield, ME 04350
(207) 485-1745
meadowmist1@roadrunner.comFull service boarding stable on 25 acres. 100 x 200 outdoor arena and 70 x 120 indoor arena. Cross country and stadium jumping available. Trails nearby. 12 x 12 matted box stalls. Hay 4 times daily. All day turnout in large paddocks. "No better care anywhere!"
6060 Shaker Lane
Garden Valley, CA 95633
California horse neighborhoods and communities offering trails and other horse amenities including arenas, stables, horse clubs and other recreation for horse folks.
Utah Horse PropertiesGarden Valley, CA 95633
(530) 622-2931
marie.griffith@earthlink.netCalifornia horse neighborhoods and communities offering trails and other horse amenities including arenas, stables, horse clubs and other recreation for horse folks.
6720 North Fork Road
Liberty, UT 84310
Van Werden FarmsLiberty, UT 84310
(801) 745-2419
(801) 391-8687 Box Elder County, Utah
- Salt Lake County, Utah
- Cache County, Utah
- Davis County, Utah
- Morgan County, Utah
- Rich County, Utah
- Summit County, Utah
- Tooele County, Utah
- Utah County, Utah
- Weber County, Utah
Come see the vast countryside of Madison County. We offer trail rides to all ages.
559 Bishop Rd
Ball Ground, GA 30107
Veritas Farm imports dutch warmbloods and has stallion services and dressage training.
Vermont Large Animal Clinic - Equine HospitalVermont Morgan Horse Association - VMHABall Ground, GA 30107
(770) 479-2423
anke@veritasfarm.netVeritas Farm imports dutch warmbloods and has stallion services and dressage training.
- Dutch Warmblood Horse Farms / Breeders
- Holsteiner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Dressage Stables
The Vermont Morgan Horse Association, Inc. was organized in 1966 to promote and celebrate the Morgan horse, the Vermont state animal.
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