Lee County, Alabama Horse Directory
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Auburn University College of Agriculture

Visit Auburn University College of Agriculture's Facebook Page
1235 Wire Road
Auburn, AL 36832
(334) 844-1570
Department of Animal Sciences - Horse Center.
1095 County Rd 493
Cusseta, AL 36852
Southern Springs Horse FarmCusseta, AL 36852
(334) 745-6658
(706) 518-8351
500 Lee Co Rd 677
Auburn, AL 36832
We are a 120 acre horse farm located 3 miles off the campus of Auburn University. We have three riding arenas, trails, two barns, and multiple trainers working for your convenience. Please contact Blake at 256-345-4968 for more information.
Timberland FarmsAuburn, AL 36832
(256) 345-4968
barnekb@auburn.eduWe are a 120 acre horse farm located 3 miles off the campus of Auburn University. We have three riding arenas, trails, two barns, and multiple trainers working for your convenience. Please contact Blake at 256-345-4968 for more information.
10077 Lee Rd 54
Auburn, AL 36830
Pasture boarding. Riding trails available.
Alabama Pony CompanyAuburn, AL 36830
(334) 319-2558
tlf20@hotmail.comPasture boarding. Riding trails available.
Prattville, AL 36067
At this time, we do birthday parties and hope to have a 4 and 6 pony ring by Aug 08 for large events.
High Point Farms(334) 391-5424
(334) 358-4879
valricoboy@aol.comAt this time, we do birthday parties and hope to have a 4 and 6 pony ring by Aug 08 for large events.
Auburn, AL
We are a full boarding facility located just minutes from Auburn University.
(334) 821-7110
highpointer@bellsouth.netWe are a full boarding facility located just minutes from Auburn University.
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