Gilbert, Arizona Horse Directory
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Horse Sensible

Visit Horse Sensible's Facebook Page
2776 E Rawhide St
Gilbert, AZ 85296
(480) 214-3642
horsesensible@gmail.comThe Horse Sensible program reality video website offers an extensive video library of horse training tutorials showing an expert trainer, Dave Rossiter, working with average horse owners - starting colts, riding, and working with problem horses. This is a kinder, gentler Natural Horsemanship program that focuses on taking the time to build a trusting relationship and good communication with a horse. This is not about quick fixes. This is about learning to read a horse, being observant, and learning to communicate in a way the horse can understand. Teaching in "baby steps" and going only as fast as the horse can learn and be comfortable and relaxed. You will enjoy all the informative and entertaining lessons as Dave takes you each step of the way to a better relationship with your horse. New feature series are added continually. Small monthly membership fee which can be cancelled at any time.
2487 S Gilbert Rd
#106 PMB 434
Gilbert, AZ 85295
The Organized Barn and Trailer offers portable, interchangeable storage solutions. Perfect for tack rooms, tack stalls, trailer dressing rooms, feed rooms, grooming areas, and anywhere that can use organized storage.
Equine Children's Academy#106 PMB 434
Gilbert, AZ 85295
(888) 298-2766
sales@organizedbarn.comThe Organized Barn and Trailer offers portable, interchangeable storage solutions. Perfect for tack rooms, tack stalls, trailer dressing rooms, feed rooms, grooming areas, and anywhere that can use organized storage.
Gilbert, AZ 85297
We are a therapeutic riding program specializing in special needs children. We also teach beginning riding for young children.
Nightwind Ranch(480) 840-6845
(949) 230-7984
conniejoanburns@gmail.comWe are a therapeutic riding program specializing in special needs children. We also teach beginning riding for young children.
Gilbert, AZ 85296
Arizona ranch horses for sale from Nightwind Ranch.
mike@nightwindranch.comArizona ranch horses for sale from Nightwind Ranch.
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