Pima County, Arizona Horse Directory
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Arizona Feeds Country StoresArizona Feeds Country StoresArizona Horse Network

PO Box 658
Vail, AZ 85641
(520) 870-2942
admin@azhorsenet.comArizona Horse Network is a community of horse enthusiasts and professionals. Our purpose is to provide a network of information, resources, and quality services for everyone, including horse owners, non-profit horse rescue and therapeutic programs, horse professionals (boarders, stable owners, vets, farriers, etc.), and just about anyone who has any interest in equine activities.

Visit Arizona Horseback Experience's Facebook Page
Tucson, AZ
(520) 455-5696
4081 E Rollins Rd
Tucson, AZ 85739
- Full service farrier
- Trail, performance, & draft horses
- EES Graduate/Certified (1992)
- 20 years shoeing experience
- Serving Tucson, AZ, and surrounding areas
- Email, call, or text for more information or an appointment.
- Reasonable rates!
DynaCare Horse RanchKip MistralTucson, AZ 85739
(520) 404-0882
darmour01@msn.com- Full service farrier
- Trail, performance, & draft horses
- EES Graduate/Certified (1992)
- 20 years shoeing experience
- Serving Tucson, AZ, and surrounding areas
- Email, call, or text for more information or an appointment.
- Reasonable rates!
Official Strada Saddles USA dealer, journalist & published author. Saddle fitting, Horse Training In-Hand book, classical equestrian horse dressage training, cavessons & work in-hand equipment.
English Strada saddles: Esprit de Lunéville dressage saddles, Esprit de Cross event/jumping saddles & Esprit d'Equitation multi-purpose (all-purpose) saddles.
Horse Training In-Hand: A Modern Guide to Working from the Ground - Work on the Longe – Long Lines – Long and Short Reins - By Ellen Schuthof-Lesmeister and Kip Mistral.
(520) 405-9859
(520) 400-7633
Wide saddles for broad back horses.
PO Box 89296
Tucson, AZ 85752
Photography By Faith (The Art of Connection) specializes in equine and cultural images that transcend the ordinary. Based in Tucson, AZ, Lori Faith Merritt travels extensively for ranch calls, portrait sessions, western events, and portfolio and publication photography. Published nationally and internationally (including National Geographic, Feb. 2009), she is working to gain grants to document mustangs and western culture. Passionate about creating images that show relationship in an evocative way, Lori Faith creates images that please both the client and those who views them. Her fine art images are in collections internationally and are used by artists (with permission and licensure) as inspiration for their own art. As a true horsewoman, she photographs horses on a deep level... not merely a photographer who can "also" photograph horses. Visit her website for examples of her work, and contact her for your own special photography sessions.
Tucson, AZ 85752
(520) 861-5899
bluehorseranch@theriver.comPhotography By Faith (The Art of Connection) specializes in equine and cultural images that transcend the ordinary. Based in Tucson, AZ, Lori Faith Merritt travels extensively for ranch calls, portrait sessions, western events, and portfolio and publication photography. Published nationally and internationally (including National Geographic, Feb. 2009), she is working to gain grants to document mustangs and western culture. Passionate about creating images that show relationship in an evocative way, Lori Faith creates images that please both the client and those who views them. Her fine art images are in collections internationally and are used by artists (with permission and licensure) as inspiration for their own art. As a true horsewoman, she photographs horses on a deep level... not merely a photographer who can "also" photograph horses. Visit her website for examples of her work, and contact her for your own special photography sessions.
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