Vail, Arizona Horse Directory
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Arizona Horse Network

PO Box 658
Vail, AZ 85641
(520) 870-2942
admin@azhorsenet.comArizona Horse Network is a community of horse enthusiasts and professionals. Our purpose is to provide a network of information, resources, and quality services for everyone, including horse owners, non-profit horse rescue and therapeutic programs, horse professionals (boarders, stable owners, vets, farriers, etc.), and just about anyone who has any interest in equine activities.
PO Box 910
Vail, AZ 85641
All day Monday-Friday horse camp. Camp dates are: 5/28-6/1, 6/4-8, 6/18-22, 6/25-29, 7/9-13, 7/16-20, 7/30-8/3. Western riding. 26 horses. Beginning through intermediate riders. Professional trainers. Arena, round pens, trail riding. Transportation provided to and from Tucson/Vail. Ages 8-18. Inquire about current prices. Camps limited to 16 riders. Can bring your own horse if desired. Call 520-591-1615 or email for more info.
Vail, AZ 85641
(520) 591-1615
justhorsininvail@yahoo.comAll day Monday-Friday horse camp. Camp dates are: 5/28-6/1, 6/4-8, 6/18-22, 6/25-29, 7/9-13, 7/16-20, 7/30-8/3. Western riding. 26 horses. Beginning through intermediate riders. Professional trainers. Arena, round pens, trail riding. Transportation provided to and from Tucson/Vail. Ages 8-18. Inquire about current prices. Camps limited to 16 riders. Can bring your own horse if desired. Call 520-591-1615 or email for more info.
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