Mabelvale, Arkansas Horse Directory
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A & B Minis
Mabelvale, AR 72103
Sires are:
- Cross Country Barracuda - 2008 Reserve National Champion Senior Stallion under (son of Lazy N Redboy)
- NFC LA Egyptian King Rhapsody - 1994 Reserve World Champion Amateur Senior Stallion (son of Egyptian King)
- Flying W Farms Okie Blue Sky (double blue boy grandson)
We are a small miniature horse farm in central Arkansas that strives to produce show quality miniature horses that will be able to compete in today's show ring.
(501) 773-3602
aandbminis@yahoo.comSires are:
- Cross Country Barracuda - 2008 Reserve National Champion Senior Stallion under (son of Lazy N Redboy)
- NFC LA Egyptian King Rhapsody - 1994 Reserve World Champion Amateur Senior Stallion (son of Egyptian King)
- Flying W Farms Okie Blue Sky (double blue boy grandson)
We are a small miniature horse farm in central Arkansas that strives to produce show quality miniature horses that will be able to compete in today's show ring.
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