El Dorado County, California Horse Directory
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Hidden Oaks Horse Training
Placerville, CA 95667
Training all-around horses for over 15 years. Calm barrel horses to extreme cowboy. All our information can be found on the web site.
Nikki Holmes - Sacramento Valley and Sierra Mountains Real Estatehiddenoakstraining@yahoo.com
Training all-around horses for over 15 years. Calm barrel horses to extreme cowboy. All our information can be found on the web site.
Auburn, CA 95603
A real estate agent with long-time experience in ranch property design, development, and management. Nikki Holmes also has extensive experience with investing and residential and vacation property rental management. She is a former riding instructor.
(530) 906-7745
(530) 601-2103
NikkiH@kw.comA real estate agent with long-time experience in ranch property design, development, and management. Nikki Holmes also has extensive experience with investing and residential and vacation property rental management. She is a former riding instructor.
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