Coalinga, California Horse Directory
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47069 Crump Lane, HC1, Box 34
Coalinga, CA 93210
Handmade wade saddles for sale, high quality leather working tools, hand made saddlery hardware, and oldtime cowboy bits & spurs.
Sam McKee HorseshoeingCoalinga, CA 93210
(559) 935-2172
(559) 355-7948
jwatt@inreach.comHandmade wade saddles for sale, high quality leather working tools, hand made saddlery hardware, and oldtime cowboy bits & spurs.
115 Walnut
Coalinga, CA 93210
Providing reliable, professional, quality farrier service to California, from Bakersfield to Madera Ranchos and from Coalinga to Squaw Valley. Please visit my website for contact information and my experience.
Coalinga, CA 93210
(559) 916-9282
sam@cafarrier.comProviding reliable, professional, quality farrier service to California, from Bakersfield to Madera Ranchos and from Coalinga to Squaw Valley. Please visit my website for contact information and my experience.
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