Moorpark, California Horse Directory
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Mason Bay Farm

Visit Mason Bay Farm's Facebook Page
Lindsey Farms
8275 Happy Camp Rd
Moorpark, CA 93021
(818) 515-0384
masonbayfarm@hotmail.comHunter/Jumper training, lessons, showing, and rehabilitation located at Lindsey Farms in Moorpark, CA. Mason Bay Farm offers comprehensive instruction for the rider and quality care and training of the horse. The health and happiness of the horse is always the first priority.
Moorpark, CA 93020
Located in beautiful and sunny Moorpark, CA, we are a breeding facility offering many young Percheron horses for sale. We offer a variety of services, including two full dressage rings, trails, superb barn facilities, bull-pens, and horse shows.
(805) 532-9280
info@intrepid-farms.comLocated in beautiful and sunny Moorpark, CA, we are a breeding facility offering many young Percheron horses for sale. We offer a variety of services, including two full dressage rings, trails, superb barn facilities, bull-pens, and horse shows.
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